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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

Traffic, Parking and Campus Access Advisories

As we get ready for the presidential debate on Hofstra’s campus on Monday, September 26, and all of the opportunities this provides our students and our community, we share the following information for your planning.  Please read it carefully as there will be times that parking or travel will take more time than usual.  

And check social media or www.hofstra.edu/debate for the schedule of public live broadcasts and special programming for students and the Hofstra community!

On-campus restrictions

Beginning Wednesday, September 21

  • The roads around the David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex will be closed. You will be unable to drive down Northern Boulevard from the statue of the Three Bears to the East Gate on Earle Ovington Boulevard. The road from the Fitness Center to the Arena will also be closed to traffic. Some parking restrictions will take place on the road next to Colonial Square.
  • Parking field 6 (between the Three Bears, Graduate Residence Hall, Alliance, Bill of Rights and Estabrook) will close by the end of the day on Wednesday, September 21.  Networks will be setting up live broadcast areas in this parking lot.  Please see alternate parking options below.
  • The East Circle lot (next to Bill of Rights) will close at the end of the day on Wednesday, September 21, for debate operations. 

Alternate parking – lunch is on us!

On Thursday, September 22 and Tuesday, September 27, due to parking lots taken out for debate operations, we invite students, staff and faculty to park in the Mitchell Field media parking lot on Charles Lindbergh Boulevard (across from the Cradle of Aviation and Museum Row). The shuttle bus will drop off and pick up at the Student Center all day, from about 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.  Members of the Hofstra community who check in for the shuttle at Mitchell Field will be given a voucher for lunch, and on Tuesday the 27th, a special commemorative debate gift (subject to availability).  Campus parking operations should be back to normal by Wednesday, September 28.Questions about the shuttle can be directed to (516) 463-7433 (RIDE).

Alternate NICE Bus Routes

Several NICE bus routes and schedules will be affected by the Presidential Debate.

View NICE Bus Route Iformation

Traffic restrictions on September 26 (debate day)

Map of Restrictions Around Campus

Road closures

At 5:30 a.m. on Monday, September 26, Earl Ovington Boulevard from Hempstead Turnpike to Charles Lindbergh Blvd. and Charles Lindbergh Blvd from Earl Ovington Blvd. to Westbury Blvd. will be closed.

For members of the media going to media parking, view alternate directions.

From the Meadowbrook, traveling either north or south, get off exit M4 but look for the “Charles Lindbergh Blvd/Museum Row” off ramp. It is about one mile to the parking lot. Do not get off for Route 24/Hempstead Turnpike West.

Beginning at 11:30 a.m.:

Hempstead Tpke. (Route 24) will be closed from Oak Street to Merrick Ave. 

  • Oak Street from Hempstead Turnpike to Westbury Blvd.
  • California Ave & Meadowbrook Place, closed north bound at Belmont Place.
  • Uniondale Ave. & Manor Parkway, closed north bound at McKenna Place

Other restrictions (all day):

  • Lawrence Street will become a one way going north from Route 24 to Westbury Blvd.
  • Courtenay Rd will become a one way going south from Route 24 to Front Street
  • Marvin Ave, Walton Ave Gilroy Ave and Cunningham Ave. one way going south from Route 24:
  • No parking on Oak Street, Lawrence Street, Courtenay Rd and McKenna Pl.

No commercial traffic will be allowed on any of the roadways listed above.  All restrictions will be lifted at midnight on Monday. 

Parking on debate day

Everyone should park on South Campus.  If you are parked on North Campus, and might need to leave campus on Monday, September 26, you should move your car to a lot on South Campus, from which you can use side streets to access Front Street.  Please be sure that your parking permits are visible and up-to-date.

Shuttle bus changes

There will be limited shuttle service to Hempstead and Mineola train stations after noon on September 26.

Starting at noon, the drop-off and pick-up location for the Hofstra shuttle will be at the Saltzman Community Center gate. On Monday, September 26, the night shuttle will have a delayed start time and will run beginning at midnight as road openings permit.

This schedule is subject to change. Please check back for updates.

Access to Campus and Security on Campus

Guests in the Residence Halls:

Beginning Friday, September 23, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. up to and through September 26, 2016, no guests other than other currently registered Hofstra students are permitted to visit or stay in the residence halls.

Pedestrian Access:

On Monday, September 26, 2016, pedestrian access to the north campus will be limited to Hofstra faculty, currently registered students, administration and Debate-credentialed personnel only.  A valid Hofstra ID or Debate credential will be required.  The library will remain open and access will be restricted to north campus via the unispan at the entrance north of the library.

Hofstra Transportation:

Those who will be using the Hofstra shuttle will be required to show their Hofstra identification when boarding.  Please have it available.  Local law enforcement has advised that there may be intermittent road closures affecting the shuttle route. 

There will be limited shuttle service to Hempstead and Mineola train stations after noon on September 26. A schedule is available on-line that lists hourly pick-ups, but travel times will be significantly impacted by traffic patterns, therefore, please plan accordingly regarding your arrival time to campus.  

Please check the Parking and Traffic Advisories website for periodic updates.

As information is available, we will post notifications regarding other road closures and traffic restrictions, vehicle access to campus and parking restrictions.

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