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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

Volunteers FAQ

What volunteer opportunities are available for Debate 2016?
Volunteers will be crucial to the success of the Debate on September 26. There are four primary categories of volunteers.  Students may apply to one of the following four Debate categories: There are four primary categories of volunteers: media production and communications, event operations, debate production, and general debate volunteers.

See Volunteer Job Descriptions

Who is eligible to volunteer? 
All Hofstra University full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate students in good standing enrolled during the Fall 2016 semester are eligible to volunteer.  Unfortunately, we are unable to consider volunteer applications from alumni, retirees, parents, vendors, and the broader community. 

How can I access the application?
Go to the Hofstra Career Hub and log in with your portal username and password (for assistance logging in, call 516-463-7777).

After logging into the Career Hub, select the Handshake icon

Once in Handshake, you will be prompted to complete a profile and upload documents for application (resume, cover letter)

After completing your profile, select the "jobs" link on the left menu.

Then enter Debate into the search bar to see the variety of positions.
Filter the positions by any of four category labels (DebateMediaComm, DebateProduction, DebateOperations, DebateGeneral).  To see all positions at once, filter by the “2016Debate” label.

Please note, Handshake is currently experiencing difficulty with assistive technologies. If you need assistance with your application, please contact The Career Center at 516-463-6060 or Student Access Services at 516-463-7075.

Note: If you leave Handshake before completing your profile, simply log back in and click the "view my profile" option on the left menu.

What if I need to change the information submitted in my volunteer application?
If you need to change the information submitted in your application, you can withdraw your application and reapply with updated materials.

Can I apply to more than one category of volunteer positions?
Should you be selected, you will only be placed in one volunteer position, but you may express interest in as many as you'd like. If you are applying for more than one position, please indicate this in your cover letter.

Who reviews applications and selects volunteers?
The Debate Volunteer Committee is comprised of individuals from across campus responsible for managing the various volunteer positions.

What are the criteria used for selecting volunteers?
The Committee will review the quality of the application materials and the level of interest of the applicant in the volunteer opportunity.  The Committee will also consider previous experiences and skill sets, when appropriate.  All students must also be in good academic standing and registered for classes in the fall.

How many volunteers are needed?
We anticipate needing approximately 300 volunteers for this historic event.

Will volunteers have access to the debate hall?
A very limited number of volunteer positions will have access to the debate hall.  Individuals interested in volunteering should not anticipate having access to the debate hall.

Can volunteers still be part of the ticket lottery?
Volunteers will have to be background checked, credentialed, trained and will work closely with the various aspects of the debate and therefore in most cases substituting a volunteer at the last minute is not possible. Therefore, volunteers cannot be part of the ticket lottery. 

When will volunteers be needed?
Volunteers may be asked to commit to both a pre-determined schedule of assignments leading up to the days of the debate, as well as being available for on-call assignments well in advance of the debate.

Which positions require availability for the days/weeks leading up to the event?
Positions requiring extra flexibility in your personal schedule during the days leading up to and after the debate on September 26 mention this in the position description. These positions may require you to volunteer in the days leading up to the Debate and/or on Debate day. Only those with flexible availability should consider selecting one of these volunteer opportunities.

What is the deadline to apply to volunteer?
The priority deadline is August 2, 2016 for credentialed positions. If additional, non-credentialed positions, open up after that time, students will be notified.

When and how will I know if I have been selected as a volunteer?
Selected volunteers will receive an email notification to their Hofstra email address on a rolling basis. Selected volunteers for credentialed positions will be notified by mid August.

In my acceptance materials, why are you requesting my social security number, date of birth, sex, and citizenship status?
Hofstra University is required by the US Secret Service to conduct a background check on all volunteers.  The Debate Volunteer Committee will not have access to this information when making its decisions.

Why do you want to know if I have a car?  If I do not, will it hurt my opportunities to volunteer?
A limited number of positions will require a volunteer to run errands off campus, which will require personal transportation.  The majority of positions will not require transportation. 

Will I need to attend a training for my position?
Yes. All volunteers will need to attend one of the mandatory training sessions. Training sessions will be held in September, and those selected will be notified of the dates/times.

Can I volunteer if I am an international student?
Yes. International students can apply. If selected, all volunteers will complete a credentialing form and international students will need to provide passport information.

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