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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

About Ticket Availability

All tickets allocated to Hofstra University from the Commission on Presidential Debates will be distributed via lottery to current students in the days before the debate, as recommended by the CPD and consistent with past practices of debate hosts. Tickets will not be available through Hofstra University personnel, and tickets are not available through any means at this point in time.

Ticketing Information for Current Hofstra Students

To enter the lottery you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a currently matriculated Hofstra student.
  • You must be registered for a minimum of six credits in Fall 2016.
  • If you are eligible to vote, you must be a registered voter.

At Hofstra we are fortunate to once again host a presidential debate and witness this historic election up close. Choosing our representatives in government and participating in democracy are both aprivilege and a responsibility. And the most common and important way we exercise our responsibility is by voting. We ask all students who enter the lottery for only one thing: to be registered to vote if you are eligible to do so. If selected to receive a ticket to the debate, you must present proof of voter registration before receiving your ticket. (If you are not eligible to vote in the United States due to age or citizenship in another country, you are still eligible to enter the lottery). Proof of voter registration can be obtained by printing the documentation at http://www.canivote.org/ or you may present your voter registration card.

While we hope you enter the lottery, remember that ticket availability is extremely limited. When we are notified of the tickets available in the days leading up to the debate, the lottery will occur and those students randomly selected will be notified. It is essential that a contact phone number and your local address has been updated in the student information system.

Information on how to enter the lottery will be emailed to students shortly and the information will appear on your Hofstra Portal.

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