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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

Media Rate Card

ATTENTION MEDIA: The Online Rate Card is now closed. Orders will now have to be placed on-site at the Rate Card Desk.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express credit cards.

All Rate Card orders for services or items outside the secure perimeter had to be placed by Friday, Sept. 16, 2016. No outside perimeter rate card orders, online or in person, will be accepted after this date.

Special telecommunications orders had to be placed through Verizon before September 6 to ensure that the service would be available upon your arrival onsite.

If you have any questions, or requirements not addressed in the rate card, please contact Ann Rodriguez, Rate Card Manager via email or at 516-463-6842.

Request for Long-Distance Service for POTS Lines

POTS lines include 800 and 516 service. For long-distance service, please fill out the Long Distance Service Request with the information about your current long distance carrier.


While media is welcomed to bring whatever equipment they deem necessary, including office furniture for their work trailers, Hofstra University cannot allow onsite delivery by vendors not provided through Hofstra University. All onsite needs must be fulfilled through the vendors provided here or on this rate card.

Security services may be obtained through Doyle Security Services (www.dss-securitysolutions.com), contact Mario J. Doyle 516-362-3677 or via email mdoyle@dss-securitysolutions.come

Additional catering may be obtained through Compass Dining, contact Compass at dinjar[at]hofstra.edu or 516-463-5395. General information available at http://www.hofstra.catertrax.com

Trailers may be obtained through Cassone Leasing (www.cassone.com), contact Mary Borg 800-640-8844

Tents may be obtained through Ace Canvas and Tent (www.acecanvasandtent.com ), contact Vinny Cardillo or Sarah Sacco 631-981-9705

All telecommunications needs not handled through the rate card, such as T1 or DS3 lines, will be provided directly by Verizon. Orders are due by September 6, 2016. 

For TV broadcast circuit, please email radiovideo@verizon.com. For all other questions, pricelists or service, please email hofstradebate@verizon.com to describe your needs. 

An order number will be generated from your email, which will be used as reference for correspondence regarding your inquiry / order.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need the order number when contacting Verizon via phone at 1.866.299.8448. All orders must be submitted in writing to the email addresses specified above.


Please describe any other services you may require by emailing annmargrett.v.rodriguez[at]hofstra.edu. We will provide you with an estimate for services, if possible, within 7 – 10 business days of your request.

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