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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016


Note: You will need Commission on Presidential Debates/United States Secret Service-issued credentials to access the Debate Site. Visit the Commission on Presidential Debates website for instructions on how to obtain your credentials. A CPD-issued credential provides you with access to the perimeter around the debate hall, the media filing center, and all campus activities.

The deadline to apply for debate credentials from the Commission on Presidential Debates was August 29. The application is now closed.

For media interested in covering only the campus and programs outside the debate perimeter on Sunday, September 25 and Monday, September 26, including community and student watch parties, panel and lectures with expert guests and faculty, student forums, a Hofstra-issued campus credential is required. The deadline for applying for this credential was Monday, September 19. The application is now closed.

All hours and dates are subject to change and are defined by the Commission on Presidential Debates and security interests.

Media Credentialing

CPD/USSS Issued Credentials will be required on the following dates:

  • Saturday, September 24 (valid)
  • Sunday, September 25 (valid)
  • Monday, September 26 (required)

Individual media can pick up their CPD issued photo credential at the Accreditation Center on the dates and times listed below. All times listed are local, and hours may vary and are to be determined.

Large media organizations will be distributed in bulk and picked up by 1-2 representatives. Bulk distribution is by appointment only.

Accreditation Center

**All members of the media are required to pick up their credentials before entering the perimeter. Media Credentials will be distributed during the following hours (listed in local time):

  • Saturday, September 24, 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Sunday, September 25,  9:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Monday, September 26, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

One-Hour Parking for Credential Pick-Up

You may, from September 21 through Sunday, September 25, park in the East Circle near the Student Center for up to one hour when you pick up your credentials. You can also park at Mitchel Field directly and take the shuttle to the Student Center. On Debate Day, September 26, there is no parking on campus. If you are picking up your credential on 9/26, you must take the shuttle from the Mitchel Field parking lot to the credentialing center.

GPS Address: 250 Hofstra Blvd, Hempstead, NY
(This will put you just south of East Circle.)

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