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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

Public Area

The United States Secret Service ("USSS"), in conjunction with local law enforcement officials, is responsible for all security arrangements in connection with the Presidential Debate to be held on our campus on September 26, 2016. After taking into account all security considerations, the USSS will determine access to all campus areas, and perimeter fencing will be installed in some areas to secure restricted areas.

Hofstra University has designated the Hagedorn Hall outside area and parking lot, south of the corner of Uniondale Avenue and Hempstead Turnpike and south of the entrance to campus, as a Public Area. This area is outside the secured areas and will be open to pedestrians only. The Public Area is accessible to and visible from the corner of Uniondale Avenue and Hempstead Turnpike and is large enough to accommodate members of the Hofstra community as well as visitors to our campus.  If need should arise, the Public Area may be further extended to the south.

The Public Area will be equipped with a podium and a sound system so that speakers may register in advance to have the opportunity to present their views. Registration is not required to enter the Public Area, but is required to reserve a speaking time for microphone/podium.

The Public Area will be open on September 26 from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

The University will not regulate the content of any speech and the general University rules governing demonstrations and public assembly will apply. Please note that no wooden or metal signs will be permitted, nor may any signs be affixed to wooden, metal or similarly rigid fixtures. The Nassau County Police Department will also be present to ensure compliance with New York State, County and local laws.

Public Area Schedule

3:00 PM Brooke Curto Gary Johnson 2016
3:10 PM Jorel Ware
3:20 PM Michael Gonzalez
3:30 PM Alvin Major
3:40 PM Pierre Metiver
3:50 PM Blake Huber Approval Voting
4:00 PM Frank Atwood Approval Voting
4:10 PM Jeffrey Jensen
4:20 PM Matin Jones Matinecock Tribe of Long Island
4:30 PM Shantel Walker
4:40 PM Jose Sanchez
4:50 PM Martina May
5:00 PM Alex Merced Alex Merced for US Senate
5:10 PM Jason Procope
5:20 PM Charles Melton
5:30 PM Richard Brooks
5:40 PM Carmelo Policao
5:50 PM Maria Harmon The Micah Project - New Orleans
6:00 PM JoAnn D. Smith and PPNC AF Volunteer Planned Parenthood of Nassau County Action Fund
6:10 PM Kaleb Nyquist Young Evangelicals for Climate Action
6:20 PM Alix Chaudry
6:30 PM Rebecca Cornick
6:40 PM Nicore Robertson
6:50 PM Fabian Bowens
7:00 PM Anna Jones Kenwood Oakland Community Organization
7:10 PM Estevan Nembhard
7:20 PM Cameron Orr
7:30 PM Duane Gary
7:40 PM Angel Gober One Pittsburgh
7:50 PM Natasha Capers Journey 4 Justice/Coalition for Education
8:00 PM Eric Weltman Food & Water Watch
8:10 PM Mike Hutchinson OPEN Oakland Public Education Network
8:20 PM Ronsha Dickerson Unity Community Centers Camden Parent Union
8:30 PM Shanequa Levin Every Child Matters
8:40 PM Cherraye Oats The Fannie Lou Hamer Center for Change
8:50 PM Gregory Schwedock The Climate Mobilization Hofstra Chapter
9:00 PM Richard Allen Jews Choose Trup
9:10 PM Kenneth Mulvena Youth for Johnson and Weld
9:20 PM Daniel Fishman Gary Johnson 2016
9:30 PM Jeremy Kareken No Monkey LLC
9:40 PM Nicholas Sarwark SFL/Youth for Johnson and Weld
9:50 PM Robert Clarke Johnson/Weld 2016
10:00 PM Justin O'Donnell Libertarian Party
10:10 PM Larry Sharpe
10:20 PM David Blau
10:30 PM Thomas T. Simmons
10:40 PM
10:50 PM
11:00 PM


  • Flags, banners, or, any signs that are attached to poles or sticks.  Hand-held posters or banners are permissible.  Selfie sticks are also prohibited
  • Animals, unless they are service animals
  • Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances
  • Coolers, glass bottles, water jugs, or any type of hydration backpacks – sealed plastic drink bottles less than one liter in size are permitted
  • Weapons of any kind, including firearms, knives, and mace. Any items that could be construed as dangerous including hammers, saws, power tools, sharp objects
  • Flammable liquids, fuels, fireworks, chemicals, explosives, aerosol cans
  • Bicycles, hover-boards, skateboards
  • Costumes that cover the face and any bulky outfits that extend beyond the outline of the body
  • Weight vest and any vests with  multiple pockets, especially those that can be used as a water reservoir
  • Drones, or other model aircraft, unmanned aerial devices,  lasers, and any other telescopic devices
  • Noisemaking devices including air horns, bull horns, and any type of portable sound systems, microphones, etc. Radios, including walkie-talkies
  • Suitcases, rolling bags, backpacks, or large packages  and sealed packages of any kind 
  • Tents, chairs, lean-to’s, tables, podiums
  • Trash bags or any other type of non-transparent bags

Any other items not listed above as determined by the on-site security staff

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