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  • Debate 2016 - Trump and Clinton
  • Dyson, Kohn, Jindal Join Debate 2016 Signature Speakers Slate
    Dyson, Kohn, Jindal Part of Debate 2016 Signature Speakers Slate
  • Debate 2016 - White House

2016 U.S. Presidential Debate

Hofstra University hosted the first 2016 presidential debate at 9 p.m. on September 26, 2016, between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Hofstra University hosted presidential debates in 2008 between then-Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain and in 2012 between President Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney. It is the only university to ever host three consecutive presidential debates.

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Previous Presidential Debates at Hofstra
Debate 08
Debate 2012
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