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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

Traffic Advisories

At 5:30 a.m. on Monday, September 26, Earl Ovington Blvd from Hempstead Tpk to Charles Lindbergh Blvd. and Charles Lindbergh Blvd from Earl Ovington Blvd. to Westbury Blvd will be closed.

Beginning at 11:30 a.m.:

    • Hempstead Tpke. (Route 24) will be closed from Oak Street to Merrick Ave.
      • Oak Street will be closed from Hempstead Tpk to Westbury Blvd.
      • California Ave & Meadowbrook Place will be closed northbound at Belmont Place.
      • Uniondale Ave. & Manor Parkway will be closed northbound at McKenna Place

Traffic Restrictions:

      • Lawrence Street will become a one-way going north from Route 24 to Westbury Blvd.
      • Courtenay Rd will become a one-way going south from Route 24 to Front Street
      • Marvin Ave, Walton Ave Gilroy Ave and Cunningham Ave. will become one-way streets going south from Route 24

No Parking Will Be Allowed on:

Oak Street, Lawrence Street, Courtenay Rd and McKenna Pl.

No commercial traffic will be allowed on any of the roadways listed above.

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