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Debate 2016 - Hofstra University - September 26, 2016

Campus Credential

This application is only for media who are NOT getting United States Secret Service-approved, Commission on Presidential Debates-issued credentials. If you have credentials issued through debates.org, you do NOT need a Hofstra campus media credential.

The Hofstra campus media credential allows you to cover campus events outside the debate perimeter on Sunday, September 25 and Monday, September 26.

Granting of a Hofstra campus media credential is solely at the discretion of Hofstra University.

To pick up your Hofstra credential, you will need to show an official press credential or a letter on the letterhead of a recognized news organization indicating that you are on assignment for that organization, or an email from the news organization indicating approval and a government-issued photo ID.

Contact Info

Remote Location Liaison
Satellite Media Information
Staff Credentialing
Managed by Ginny Greenberg in the Student Center, Plaza West Room

Recognized News Organizations Independent Bloggers/Freelance Journalists

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