Volunteer Information

Are you ready to get involved in Debate 2012? The application process to be a Debate 2012 volunteer is now open! Volunteers will be crucial to the success of the Debate on October 16, 2012. To apply and for more information on the specific opportunities available, please visit Pride-CMS, located under My Apps on the Hofstra Portal, my.hofstra.edu. Click on Jobs and Internships and under the keyword search "Hofstra University Debate 2012." Here you will be able to view job descriptions, the application process, an FAQ and volunteer expectations. The application process will run through Hofstra's Pride-CMS system. All positions will be filled on a rolling basis. The priority deadline for credentialed positions is Friday, August 3. For roles that do not require credentials, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until Friday, September 7, based on availability.
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