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Debate 2012 - October 16, 2012

A Guide to the Presidential Debate and Pride, Politics & Policy Education and Event Series

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Courses and Academic Work

As Hofstra prepares to host a presidential debate in October 2012, our faculty are looking at ways to engage students and prepare them for the unique opportunities that hosting a debate brings. Along with the special events, internships and projects that hosting the debate brings, many academic departments are offering special courses that study issues, the media, history, current affairs and political science relevant in the current election cycle.

More courses will be added as they are developed. Check back for updates.

First-Year Seminars | Honors College Seminars

JRNL 180T, 1 s.h.
Will 2012 Be the Twitter Election?
Social Media and the Presidential Debates

Professor Fincham | more |

MASS 181B, 1 s.h.
Presidential Debates and Media Literacy
Professor Drucker | more |

MATH 30A, 3 s.h.
(MC) Mathematical Excursions
MATH 30A,6(CRN 92722) TR 12:45-2:10 Seabold
MATH 30A,7(CRN 92883) TR 2:20-3:45 Seabold
Professor Seabold | more |

MATH 30B, 3 s.h.
(MC) Explorations in Mathematics
MATH 30B,4 (CRN 92245) TR 9:35-11:00 Orr
MATH 30B,U1 (CRN 92246) TR 2:20-3:45 Orr
Professor Orr | more |

PHI 15, 3 s.h.
(HP) Law, Philosophy, and Public Life
Sec 1 MWF 10:10-11:05
Professor Baehr | more |

PHI 150, 3 s.h.
Practical Logic
Sec 1 MWF 10:10-11:05
Professor Acampora | more |

PHI 181 1 s.h.
Topic: Why Can You Vote and APPLE, Inc. Can't?
Sec 1, MW 12:50-2:45 (Oct. 1-Oct. 26)
Professor Wallace | more |

PR 180-B, 1 s.h.
PR and the Presidency
Professor Morosoff | more |

PSC 1 3-4 s.h.
(BH) American Politics
(BH) American Politics
Various Instructors and times | more |

PSC 105 3 s.h.
Contemporary Issues in American Politics
MW 4:30-5:55 p.m.
Professor Himelfarb | more |

PSC 114 3 s.h.
Political Parties and the Voter
MWF 12:50 to 1:45 p.m.
Professor Perotti | more |

PSC 134 3 s.h.
American Foreign Policy
TR 8:05 to 9:30 p.m.
Professor Schuster | more |

PSC 151 3 s.h.
Seminar in American Politics: Race for the Presidency
Section (1) TR, 12:45-2:10 p.m.
M. Bose, E. Rollins
Section (2) TR 12:45-2:10 p.m.
R. Himelfarb, E. Rollins | more |

RELI 77, 3 s.h.
(HP) Religion & the Media -- "I'm Voting For God:" Religion and the 2012
Presidential Election
Sec 1, TR 9:35 – 11:00
Professor Rashid | more |

RTVF 180-F, 1 s.h.
Television Debate Coverage
Professor Mazzocco | more |

RTVF201C, 1 s.h.
Documentary Perspectives on the Presidential Campaign
Professor Blumberg | more |

SOC 188B: 1 s.h.
Topic: Class Warfare and the 2012 Elections: A case of the pot calling the kettle… sneaky".
Sec 1, W 1:55-3:45 (Sept. 3 – Oct. 17, 2012)
Professor Silver | more |

SOC 188B, 1 s.h.
American Power in Global Perspective
Sec 2, M 4:30-6:20 (Sept. 3 – Oct. 15, 2012)
Professor Hewitt | more |

SPCM 181F, 1 s.h.
Political Advertising
Professor Brinka | more |

First-Year Seminars with Debate-Related Content

ANTH 14F, 4 s.h.
(BH) New York and Slavery: Time to Tell the Truth
Sec 2, TR, 2:20-3:45 p.m.,
Professor Singer | more |

CLL 14F, 4 s.h.
(LT) Myth and the Modern World
Sec 1 TR, 2:20-3:45 p.m.
Professor Murphy | more |

FA 14F, 4 s.h.
(AA) Leonardo da Vinci to Andy Warhol: Why Art and Artists Cause Trouble
Sec 1, MW, 12:50-2:45 p.m.,
Professor Fendrich | more |

FA 14F, 4 s.h.
(CP) Graphic Design Inspirations
Sec 2, MW, 1-2:50 p.m.
Professor Ocko | more |

GEOG 14F, 4 s.h.
(BH, CC) Child Labor in the World Today
Sec 1 MWF, 12:50-1:45 p.m.
Professor Jensen | more |

PSY 14F, 4 s.h.
(BH) Psychology Through Film and Literature
Sec 1 MW, 2:55-4:20 p.m.
Professor Nouryan | more |

RELI 14F, 4 s.h.
(HP) Visions of Malcolm X
Sec 2 TR, 2:20-3:45 p.m.
Professor Byrne | more |

WSC 14F, 4 s.h.
(CP) How Writers Break the Rules — and Why
Sec 1 M/W, 2:55-4:20 p.m.
Professor Janssen | more |

WSC 14F, 4 s.h.
(CP) Rebellions in the Wilderness
Sec 2 TTH, 2:20-3:45 p.m.
Professor Gaughan | more |


(H1) Science and Society: Clashes and Collaborations
Professor Sabrina Sobel, Chemistry
MW 4:30-5:55PM | more |

(H1) Crisis and America's War on Terror
Professor Boussios, Sociology
TR 4:20-5:55 | more |

(H1) Analyzing the 2012 Election
Professor Andrea Libresco, Teaching, Literacy and Leadership
T/R 2:15-4:10PM | more |

(H1) Political Marketing and the 2012 Election
Professor Shawn Thelen, Marketing and International Business
MF 11:15-12:40P | more |