
Get engaged with the 2012 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University
CoursesMany academic departments are offering special courses that study issues, the media, history, current affairs and political science relevant in the current election cycle.
For Educators
Curriculum and opportunities for teaching about the Debate.
Public Debate Watches
A panel discussion featuring communication experts will take place just prior to the simulcast of the presidential debate at Hofstra University.
Host a Debate Watch
DebateWatch brings citizens like you together to watch the televised debates, talk about what you learned, and, if you choose to, share your reactions with the CPD.
Host a Deliberative Forum
Hofstra University seeks to take advantage of the excitement generated by our hosting a Presidential debate in 2012 to promote civic literacy on Long Island.
Join the Debates!
Join other smart, curious, and interesting young people from around the world to discuss a host of issues that will impact the United States presidential election.
The Voice Of
The centerpiece of the CPD’s 2012 voter education project is “The Voice of,” a partnership with AOL, Google and Yahoo.
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