Broadcasting from the Hofstra Campus
When Hofstra University hosted the 2008 Presidential Debate, many national and local media organizations worked with the University to produce live remote broadcasts from campus. Organizations such as Sirius Radio, WABC-7, MSNBC and NBC, Telemundo, WCBS-2, and Fox 5 produced live shows, with an enthusiastic audience, while incorporating our students and the events on campus.
These shows were shot on Hofstra’s campus but outside the secured area, allowing for a large audience to participate.
If your organization is interested in producing a live remote show, please contact Karla Schuster at (516) 463-6493 in the Office of University Relations. While there is no cost to media organizations for space and assistance, the rate card will apply for telecommunications, power and rentals.

Live shows and activities on Debate Day 2008.
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