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Hofstra University Honors College


Honors College students work in all fields across the University and engage in research with faculty and eventually on their own. Undergraduate Research can serve first as basic training in a field and also later as a capstone to a student’s work and development in an undergraduate major, which can lead to graduate study or directly to entrance into professional life. The term Undergraduate Research refers to such pursuits in all fields, whether that research or advanced work in the discipline, whether that advanced work takes place in the laboratory or the library, in the studio, on stage, or in the field. Each student’s advanced research, --after months of hard work, reflection, uncertainty, frustration but also happy discovery, enthusiasm, relief and revision,-- culminates in the public presentation of the results in the department, on Undergraduate Research Day for the Hofstra community in general and/or at professional conferences. HUHC students participate in Undergraduate Research through their major departments.

Departmental Honors and HUHC
Honors College strongly encourages all eligible HUHC students to pursue departmental honors in their major(s) under the respective departmental Honors Essay or Honors Research listing. Students must contact their major adviser and departmental chairperson to make arrangements for supervised independent research. This work takes place in the major department, but Honors College will count those credits toward the student's Honors College total. For the HUHC Graduate with Distinction designation, a GPA of 3.6 and completion of a departmental honors course are required.

For more information, go to the Hofstra University Departmental Honors webpage: http://www.hofstra.edu/Research/research_dept_honors_thesis.html

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