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Hofstra University Honors College

Honors Advising

The advising resources at Hofstra are remarkably accessible.  Upon entry, everyone is assigned a member of the University Advisement staff who remains with you throughout your four-year Hofstra experience.  In addition, as you settle into a major(s) you will be assigned a faculty advisor who will help guide your course selection as you move from introductory to advanced work in your discipline.

In addition, HUHC students have access to yet a third layer of advisement support as they can always call upon the HUHC Deans and office staff to help them navigate both the HUHC designation requirements and what are sometimes complicated curricular choices stemming from the desire to pursue double majors or accelerated graduations.

In sum, the HUHC Deans office complements the advising resources at Hofstra and stands ready to help you to sort through a knotty question or problem as you pursue your intellectual and career ambitions.  When in doubt, always know you can ask us in HUHC. 

You can contact us easily by email or by phone (516-463-4842) to arrange an appointment.  If it’s an emergency, don’t wait!  Just stop by and someone will talk with you shortly.

HUHC students

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