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Hofstra University Honors College

Graduate School, Fellowships and Prestigious Scholarships

Graduate School Planning
A significant percentage of HUHC students opt to continue their education by entering a graduate or professional school after Hofstra. In general, the best place to seek advice regarding graduate and professional school decisions is in conversation with your faculty advisor and other professors in your department. They know the field and are best positioned to guide you. It’s never too early to broach the subject of graduate school, but typically students begin exploring the topic in some depth as they enter their junior year.  By then you’ve had some experience in your field(s) and have begun to get a sense of your strengths and interests.

The HUHC Deans are also available for general discussions about the possibility of graduate study.

Professional School Planning
University Advisement has specific advisers who are assigned to work closely with students who are pursuing admission to professional schools for law and the health sciences. They know best the history of admissions to such programs and are well positioned to advise on course selection and preparation for standardized exams. Students with interests in these areas should make contact early in their undergraduate careers.

Fellowships and Prestigious Scholarships
Hofstra students have enjoyed extraordinary success in their pursuit of so-called Prestigious Scholarships, a term that refers to various highly competitive and selective, and well-funded national and international scholarships, usually for graduate study. In part, that success stems from excellent advisement and support in the application process, which is demanding and very time-consuming. An early start is essential: students should review the information on Hofstra’s Prestigious Scholarships webpage and request an appointment via email with Ms. Suzanne Pike, the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.

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