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Presidential Conference Press Room


The following information is provided for archival purposes only

For a media pass to Hofstra's 11th Presidential Conference, William Jefferson Clinton: The "New Democrat" from Hope, the following is required:

Student/On-Campus Media:

Please have your editor, producer or faculty adviser provide University Relations with a single list on official letterhead of reporters, photographers and technical operators who will actually be covering the conference for your organization. This list may be faxed to University Relations, attention Ginny Greenberg, at (516) 463-5146.

If different reporters will be covering the conference on different days, please indicate dates and times on your list.


Please fax your credential information to (516) 463-5146, to the attention of Ginny Greenberg. Please include your e-mail address, so we can confirm your information. Thank you.

Off-Campus Media:

Please have your editor or producer fax the Hofstra University Relations office a short letter of intention on official company letterhead. If more than one person from your organization is requesting media access, all names may be sent to our office in the one fax.

The letter need only state your position at your organization and your plan to cover the Clinton conference for an upcoming issue/broadcast. Also helpful would be the dates of the conference you plan to attend (November 10, 11 and 12, 2005).

The letter should also include your contact information, any special interview requests and any special technical requests.

If we are unfamiliar with your publication or outlet, we may call you or your editor for verification. If verification is not possible, media access will be denied.

Media Check-In at the Conference

All media are required to show official press credentials and/or proof of ID and to check in at the Clinton Conference press room, located in rooms 143 and 145 of the Student Center, North Campus.

At the time of check-in, a special media pass will be distributed allowing access to conference events, with the exception of specials meals and possible closed sessions with conference participants. Access to any closed events will be decided on an individual basis.

Both official media credentials and this media pass must be carried at all times for easy access to conference events.

Media passes are non-transferable.

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