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Fall Festival

Distinguished Invitees

as of November 7, 2005
Hon. Madeleine Albright U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1993-1996)
Secretary of State (1997-2001)
Mr. Jonathan Alter Senior Editor and Columnist, Newsweek
Mr. Ralph Appelbaum Exhibition Designer, Clinton Library and Museum
Jeffrey A. Bader Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Easy Asian & Pacific Affairs (1996-1997)
Mr. Donald A. Baer White House Director of Strategic Planning and Communications
Assistant to the President for Speechwriting and Chief Speechwriter (1994-95)
Hon. Paul Begala Political Adviser to the President
Hon. Sidney Blumenthal Asst. to the President (1997-2001)
Mr. Salih Booker Executive Director
Africa Action
Mr. Ron Brownstein Political Correspondent-/ Wash. Bureau- L.A. Times
Dr. Ashton B. Carter Co-Director, Preventive Defense Project
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Asst. Sec. of Defense for International Security Policy
U. S. Dept. of Defense (1993-1996)
Prof. Mark Danner Henry R. Luce Professor of Human Rights, Bard College
Mr. Lanny Davis Partner, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Special Counsel to the President (1996-1998)
Prof. Peter Edelman Asst. Sec. of Health and Human Services
Mr. Terry Edmonds Asst. to the President
Deputy Director of Speechwriting (1995)
Director of Speechwriting (1997-2001)
Prof. Richard A. Falk U.S. Defense Policy, Arms Trade, & World Security Issues
Mr. William Fletcher, Jr. President / CEO - TransAfrica Forum
Mr. Al From Founder / CEO - Democratic Leadership Council
Prof. Jason Furman Visiting Scholar, Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
New York University
Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers (1996-1997)
Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy (1999-2000)
Hon. Richard N. Gardner Sr. Counsel, Morgan Lewis
Professor of Law, & International Organization
Columbia University Law School
U.S. Ambassador to Spain (1993-1997)
Prof. David Gergen Special Advisor to President Clinton
Jack Gibbons Assistant to the President for Science and Technology
Director of the Office of Science and Technology
Hon. Slade Gorton Former U.S. Senator, Washington Member, National Committee on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (2003-2004)
Mr. Stanley B. Greenberg Chairman / CEO- Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc.
Dr. Joseph P. Harahan Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Washington, D.C.
Mr. John F. Harris Presidential Biographer
Political Reporter, The Washington Post
Hon. Gary Hart Co-Chair, U.S. Commission of National Security Former U.S. Senator, Colorado
Dean Fred P. Hochberg Dean, Milano Graduate School of the New School (presently)
Member, President's Management Council
Acting Administrator of the Small Business Administration (1998-1002)
Hon. Richard C. Holbrooke U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1993-1994)
Asst. Secretary of State (1994-1995)
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1998-2001)
Arianna Huffington Author and Syndicated Columnist
Mr. Christopher Jennings President, Jennings Policy Strategies, Inc.
White House Senior Health Care Advisor (1993-2001)
Mr. Ben Johnson Sr. Counselor, Porter Novelli
Assistant to the President
Director, Office of Race Initiative of One America
Ms. Elaine C. Kamarck Sr. Advisor to Gore Campaign; Served in the White House (1993-97)
Hon. Mickey Kantor Sec. of Commerce Counsel to President Clinton (1998-99)
Mr. Mark Katz Staff Speech Writer "The Sound Bite Institute," New York, NY
Dr. Irwin L. Kellner Augustus B. Weller Distinguished Chair of Economics
Hofstra University
Hon. Peter King U.S. Congressman, 3rd Congressional District (from L.I.)
Hon. Lawrence J. Korb The Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Robert Kuttner Co-Founder and Co-Editor The American Prospect, Boston, MA
Hon. John Lewis United States House of Representatives 5th, Georgia
Hon. Joe Lockhart Assistant to the President
Press Secretary
Hon. Ira C. Magaziner Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative
Adviser to the President (1993-1998)
Chief Internet Adviser to the President (1996-1998)
Hon. Robert Malley Special Assistant to President Clinton for Arab-Israeli Affairs
Mr. David Maraniss Presidential Biographer
Gen.-Col. (Ret.)Yevgeny Maslin General Director, Arsenal Industrial Group
Moscow, Russian Federation
Director, 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense
Hon. Thomas F. "Mack" McLarty III Chief of Staff (1993-1994)
Adviser & Special Envoy to the Americas (1995-1998)
Major General William L. Nash Commanding General, Peacekeeping Forces in Bosnia
Mr. Niall O'Dowd Editor, The Irish Voice
Hon. Leon E. Panetta Director, Office of Management & Budget Chief of Staff
Howard G. Paster Assistant to the President
Mr. Mark Penn President, Penn, Schoen and Berland Pollster and Political Adviser for the Clinton 1996 Re-election Campaign Political Adviser to the President (1996-2000)
Hon. William Perry Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Sec. of Defense (1994-1997)
Hon. John D. Podesta Chief of Staff (1998-2001)
Bruce Reed Domestic Policy Adviser (1993-2001)
Deputy Campaign Manager for Policy for the Clinton-Gore Campaign (1992)
Hon. Janet Reno Attorney General
Hon. Richard W. Riley Sec. of Education
Mr. Scott Ritter U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq
Hon. Robert E. Rubin Executive Committee, Citigroup Inc.
U.S. Seretary of the Treasury (1995-1997)
Director, National Economic Council (1993-1995)
Mr. Charles Scribner III Scribner & Sons Publishing
Gayle Smith Special Assistant to the President
Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council
Prof. Harold P. Smith, Jr. Distinguished Visiting Scholar & Professor
Univ. of California, Berkeley
Asst. to the Sec. of Defense for
Nuclear & Chemical Biological Defense Programs
U.S. Dept. of Defense (1993-1998)
Hon. Nancy Soderberg Alternative Rep. of the U.S. to the U.N. Deputy Asst. to Clinton for Nat. Security Affairs
Mr. Jeff Shesol Staff Speech Writer West Wing Writers, LLC, Washington, D.C.
Hon. Gene Sperling Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Director, National Economic Council (1997-2001)
Deputy Director, National Economic Council (1993-1996)
Economic Policy Director, 1992 Clinton Presidential Campaign
Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz Columbia University Chair, Council of Economic Advisers Sr. Vice Pres.- World Bank (1992-97)
Michael Waldman, Esq. Chief Speechwriter Director, Office of Speechwriting

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