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Presidential Conference Press Room

Welcome to Hofstra

William Jefferson Clinton: The "New Democrat" from Hope is the 11th Presidential Conference hosted by Hofstra University, a dynamic, private university in suburban Long Island, New York. Offering more than 130 undergraduate and 140 graduate programs, Hofstra provides an education in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, Business, Communication, Education and Allied Human Services, and Honors studies, as well as Law. With a student-faculty ratio of 14-to-1 and a priority on teaching excellence, our professors teach small classes that emphasize interaction, critical thinking and development of judgment.

The Hofstra experience doesn't end in the classroom, as there's plenty to discover on our beautiful, 240-acre campus. A diverse mix of activities enhance students' education, and position Hofstra as one of the area's preeminent destinations for sports, entertainment and cultural events. A recognized arboretum, Hofstra's campus also features a 15,000-seat stadium, a 5,000-seat arena and several performance spaces, including a 1,000-seat playhouse. Each year, these venues host a bevy of concerts, conferences and athletic events for the Hofstra community and the New York metro area.

Please use the links found below to find out more about Hofstra University.

  • Info Center
    Hofstra's online Info Center provides the access to information you want, in one convenient location. From directions and maps, to telephone directories and calendars, the Info Center is your one-click stop for what you need.
  • About Hofstra University
    An overview of Hofstra University, including information about the administration, programs, facilities and academic organization.
  • Hofstra at a Glance
    Key information about the University, provided in an easy-to-digest list of facts and figures.

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