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Twenty-one New Members Inducted to Hofstra's Mu Kappa Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the Geographic Honor Society – April 23, 2014

Dr. Kari Jensen, the Mu Kappa Chapter President, inducted 21 new members, in a ceremony held at Hofstra's University Club followed by a luncheon on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. It was attended by both new and old members of Mu Kappa, including special guest Dr. Burrell Montz, Chair and Geography Professor at East Carolina University. Dr. Montz gave a captivating keynote speech highlighting her own career path as a Geographer as well as her involvement with the Honor Society through the years. Congratulations to the new members!

The Hofstra student inductees were:

Elizabeth Anders
Deeba Carvan
Athraja DeSilva
Lora Dunn-Hardy
Justin Ederheimer
Seth Egert
Tarek Elkattan
Gina Gallo
James Holman
Abraham Johnson
Mishaina Joseph
Danielle Marie Maiocco
Riley Hart Metcalfe
Catherine Misczuk
Sandra Morrongiello
Robert Murphy
Brittany Scalise
Clara Schopf
Ariana Spang
Venessa Trofa
David Zhukovsky

For more information on the Global Studies and Geography Department at Hofstra University, visit  www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/hclas/geog/

Twenty-one New Members Inducted to Hofstra's Mu Kappa Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the Geographic Honor Society – April 23, 2014

Inductees/Induction Ceremonies