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Department of Global Studies and Geography Initiates a Hofstra Chapter and Inducts Students into International Geographic Honor Society

Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY … On Wednesday, May 2, 2012, the Global Studies and Geography Department initiated Mu Kappa, the Hofstra University chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the International Geographic Honor Society. President of Mu Kappa, Dr. Kari Jensen, and Vice President, Dr. Veronica Lippencott, inducted six students and three professors into Gamma Theta Upsilon during a ceremony held at 206 Roosevelt Hall. A keynote speech on the history of the Geography department at Hofstra University was given by Dr. James Wiley.

The Hofstra student inductees were:
Christopher Feneran
Rebecca Galin
William Keating
Melanie Martha
Elizabeth Jane Robson
James Yantis

The Hofstra professor inductees were:
Robert Brinkmann
Jean-Paul Rodrigue
James Wiley

For more information on the Global Studies and Geography Department at Hofstra University, visit  www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/hclas/geog/

International Geographic Honor Society

Inductees/Induction Ceremonies