Hofstra 100: A Strategic Plan For Our Future


This strategic plan began with an examination of Hofstra’s strengths and ambitions, outlined in October 2021 in the president’s inauguration speech, in which she advanced a vision to leverage the University’s strong foundation in the liberal arts for career readiness, to promote diversity and inclusion, and to enhance scholarly research. She highlighted the importance of community, adaptability, and strategic risk-taking to strengthen Hofstra’s reputation and achieve long-term prosperity.

During the 2021-2022 academic year, the Vision Project engaged faculty, administrators, students, alumni, and the Board of Trustees to explore how the community perceived Hofstra’s strengths, challenges, and ambitions. Focus groups and a university-wide survey revealed priorities that include increased support for faculty research, student success and well-being, a greater national reputation, and increased community partnerships. These findings set the stage for the next phase of the strategic planning process.  

 The following year, the president and provost launched the Strategic Directions Request for Proposals (RFP), inviting faculty to propose new academic programs that would expand the curriculum and research, and enhance Hofstra’s reputation. More than 225 members of the faculty, almost all of them in groups, submitted proposals that sought to create new interdisciplinary programs and research, community outreach tied to academic programs and service learning, enhancement of the first-year academic experience, and new structures to support the academic mission, diversity, and inclusion.

In response to the Vision Project and the Strategic Directions RFPs, a new mission statement was drafted by the president’s cabinet, and the faculty committee that evaluated the Strategic Directions RFPs reconvened to develop a set of core values. The mission and core values, reviewed and refined by the academic deans, the Board of Trustees, and the Faculty Senate, embody Hofstra's institutional culture and ambitions and serve as guideposts for decision-making.


Situated at the nexus of urban, suburban, and coastal communities, Hofstra University prepares students to thrive in the complexity of life and work in our global society by:

  • Cultivating an inclusive, diverse, learning-centered scholarly community, where free inquiry can flourish.
  • Producing original research, scholarship, knowledge, and creative work.


  • BELONGING: We build affirming, resilient relationships based on mutual respect and kindness that exemplify our commitment to diversity, equity, and justice.
  • COMMUNITY: We value meaningful, mutually beneficial collaboration with local, regional, national, and global communities.
  • CREATIVITY: We bring a creative growth mindset to everything we do.
  • DISCOVERY: We pursue excellence through the generation, acquisition, and application of knowledge.
  • INTEGRITY: We embrace a culture of mutual respect and ethical behavior and a commitment to civil discourse and the free and open exchange of ideas.

The new University Mission and Core Values will be presented to the University Senate for formal adoption in fall 2024.

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