Hofstra 100: A Strategic Plan For Our Future

Goals for the Future

During the spring 2024 semester, four committees of faculty, administrators, and students were created to consider how to leverage Hofstra's distinctive strengths to advance the mission in four strategic areas:

  • Interdisciplinary and New Academic Programs
  • Community Engagement
  • Student Success
  • Organizational Agility

 These areas, which form the foundational goals for the strategic plan, were drawn from the results of the Vision Project, the RFP process, and the updated mission and values. 

A committee was assigned to each area and charged with developing recommendations that

  • reflect Hofstra's mission and core values
  • will drive student enrollment and success and
  • support the University's enhanced focus on scholarly research and creative activities.

The committees’ recommendations were presented to the campus community at the end of the spring 2024 semester. 

Following the collaborative and transparent process that took place over the past three years, we have set forth four primary goals of this strategic plan. These goals consider the history of Hofstra; its fundamental strengths as a medium size university with extensive and robust academic programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional level; and the need to meet increasing external challenges to higher education, including an impending decrease in the number of high school graduates nationwide.  

Four Goals for the Future

  • Promote a Distinctive Experience for Students and Faculty Through Interdisciplinary Programs
  • Expand Community-Engaged Academic Programs and Elevate This Engagement to a Signature Program at Hofstra
  • Advance Student Success with a Holistic Approach that Addresses the Academic, Social, and Emotional Needs of Students
  • Attain Excellence in Organizational Agility and Innovation
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