Hofstra 100: A Strategic Plan For Our Future


Intersection Of The Four Goals

There is great synergy among the four goals of this strategic plan. Each reflects a networked and collaborative framework to advance Hofstra’s mission. This is represented in the culture of problem solving and interdisciplinary programs, expanding engagement in our many communities, creating seamless support for students, and embracing an agile organization where we work across boundaries to optimize creativity, engagement, and learning.

Interdisciplinarity contributes to student success and community engagement by studying complex problems from different perspectives. It informs curriculum development around community because community-based experiential learning provides an opportunity for students to develop skills to address these complex problems. Responding to community needs requires various perspectives, resources, and forms of expertise. This process parallels and supports the broader goals of interdisciplinarity in our teaching and research. Organizational agility is foundational to the other goals, as the glue that holds this plan together and will make successful implementation possible. It will take agility to create the processes necessary to incentivize and reward the creation of interdisciplinary programs; to adopt the flexibility to adapt the curriculum as career paths adapt to the introduction of AI; and to do the hard work necessary to sustain community engagement. An agile University eases friction so students can move through their degree programs with efficiency and purpose.

Student success is supported by interdisciplinarity, community engagement, and an agile organization. These set the stage to focus on the core capacities, cutting-edge skills, and experiences necessary to prepare students for success in their careers and in their lives. Students will gain a deeper understanding of problems, from varied perspectives, which form the foundation for critical thinking, information literacy, and civil discourse. Seamless administrative processes reflect our respect for students’ need to move efficiently through their degree programs, and this sign of respect and care impacts students’ positive sense of belonging.

Reflecting our commitment to organizational agility and continuous evaluation and improvement of Hofstra University, this plan will be reviewed annually. Progress toward goals, lessons learned, and planned improvements will be shared with the campus community.  

Hofstra University looks toward the future, unified by our strategic priorities and fortified by our strengths. We will work together as a community to guide students to thrive in the complexities of life and work in our global society.

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