Hofstra 100 Appendix

Charge to Strategic Planning Committees

Each committee will be asked to examine a strategic area and think in new ways about how to leverage Hofstra's assets to strengthen the University, its impact, and its reputation. The launch meetings for the committees will occur during the week of 1/22/24.

Committees will describe how their recommendations reflect the mission and core values of Hofstra, will drive enrollment, and support Hofstra University's enhanced focus on scholarly research and creative activities.

Interdisciplinary and New Academic Programs Committee: Make recommendations for new interdisciplinary curricula and other programs that will distinguish Hofstra and drive enrollment, retention, and graduation. Make recommendations about how to identify and break down barriers to interdisciplinary academic programs and teaching.

Community Engagement Committee: Make recommendations for community engagement that intersects or incorporates academic programs and research, strengthens our connections to the local and regional community, and will be appealing to students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Specific considerations include:

  • Hofstra's place on Long Island
  • Benefits of community partnerships for Hofstra and for community members
  • Service learning and project-based learning
  • Build on current strengths and programs that have existing foundation at Hofstra

Student Success Committee: Make recommendations for innovations that will drive increased retention and graduation rates. Specific considerations include:

  • First-year programs
  • Belonging and inclusion
  • Student engagement
  • Mental health and resilience

Organizational Agility Committee: Make recommendations about how to change and/or leverage Hofstra's adaptability and agility, taking advantage of Hofstra's size and the scope of its programs to support innovation and efficiency. Specific considerations include:

  • Administrative processes, protocols, and organization
  • Technology and the role of AI
  • Research capacity and growth
  • Break down barriers that have the effect of preventing or discouraging innovation in administrative processes 


  • Define what excellence is for committee's charge (by February 23)
  • Set data-driven, measurable goals for 3, 5 and 10 years (by March 15)
  • Identify specific implementation steps for each goal (by April 19)
  • Present the proposed plan to the campus community at an open forum (April 22- May 1)