New Graduate Students Get Started Here



Below you’ll find important next steps.

  1. Activate your Hofstra network account
    To activate your My Hofstra account, you will need your Hofstra ID number which you will find on your acceptance letter. Once you have an account, you can use the My Hofstra portal to access your Hofstra email account, view your course schedule and tuition bill, view on-campus jobs, and more.
  2. Tuition Deposit
    Log in here using your application email to submit your nonrefundable tuition deposit. If you have multiple applications for graduate study, be sure to select your current file. Once you’ve logged in to this application portal (which is where you’ve accessed your admission letter), select the link under “Payment Due.” Next, click “Submit Payment,” which will launch a new window to enter required payment details.

    Students admitted for January or summer terms will have their deposit payment applied to spring and fall semester invoices, respectively.

    *Before you can proceed with the steps below, you must have a confirmation receipt of your tuition deposit. Please note it may take 1-2 business days for this to reflect on your student account.
  3. Advisement and registration
    Contact the Office of Graduate Admission (516-463-4723) to connect with your academic advisor and schedule a registration appointment.
  4. Complete your Student Medical Record
    You will need to supply documentation of required vaccinations. In addition, New York state requires that you acknowledge receipt of the meningitis information. To access this information, log into your MyHofstra portal account and click on the Medicat Icon located in your apps (represented by the waffle icon on the top right portion of your screen).
  5. Graduate Student Housing
    View amenities and next steps to secure on campus housing.
  6. Follow these instructions to activate your HofPass mobile ID.
  7. Click here to register your vehicle. After logging in to the Hofstra portal, you will be brought directly to the parking permit form. You will be asked to complete a series of questions related to the vehicle you intend to register for this academic year and, upon submission, will be able to download the parking permit. If you are submitting the information via a method that does not have access to a printer, when you are ready to print the permit, you can access the permit by clicking the parking permits icon in the MyApps section of the portal. 
  8. Explore resources of the Division of Student Enrollment, Engagement & Success
  9. Office of Graduate Admission
    Contact the Office of Graduate Admission with any questions or concerns.


Take the Next Step

Be You @Hofstra

Through your graduate studies at Hofstra, you'll have countless opportunities to be your best self. From being surrounded by faculty, staff, and peers who care to having access to the resources you need to succeed, you'll gain an advantage -- in your career and in life -- at Hofstra.