Orientation & New Student Programs

Summer Orientation

Dates | Before Orientation | After Orientation | FAQ

Summer Orientation

Your Hofstra journey begins with New Student Orientation – an on-campus, three-day, two-night program where all incoming first-year students get their first glimpse of life at Hofstra. Note: Transfer students are offered a one-day Orientation experience and should visit the Transfer Orientation webpage for more information about their specific program.

Experience suggests that students who actively participate in an Orientation program excel academically and socially more often than those who do not take advantage of such programs. Our Orientation program will prepare you for success at Hofstra by introducing you to Hofstra’s curriculum and campus resources, providing opportunities for you to engage with other new students – as well as Hofstra faculty, staff, and Orientation leaders – and answering any questions you may have. First-year students also register for fall classes at New Student Orientation. Attendance at Orientation is required.

Online registration for New Student Orientation will begin in mid-January through the Hofstra portal. You will need your Hofstra ID and password to sign up. Since dates fill quickly, you must choose three sessions that work for you. Once we receive your request, we will send an email confirmation to your Hofstra Pride email; the confirmation email will include important information and instructions on taking your foreign language and mathematics assessments online prior to Orientation.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Hofstra Pride!

Questions? If you don’t find the information you need in our FAQ, please contact us at orientation@hofstra.edu or 516-463-4874.

2025 Summer Orientation Dates

Week 1June 10 – 12 
Week 2June 16 – 18*

NOTE: In observance of the Juneteenth holiday on Thursday, June 19, this session will be held on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please note that we will not be able to provide accommodations for anyone arriving early on Sunday, or requesting to stay overnight from Wednesday into Thursday, June 19, 2025.

Week 3June 24 – 26 
Fourth of July Break – No NSO SessionJune 30 – July 4No Orientation Session July 4 break
Week 4July 8 – 10 
Week 5July 15 – 17 
Week 6July 22 – 24 
Transfer OrientationJuly 28All domestic transfer undergraduates
Week 7July 29 – 31 
Week 8August 25 – 27*International undergraduates and domestic students traveling more than 300 miles

Special Groups

Students in the following fields of study/areas of interest are highly encouraged to attend one of these preferred sessions:

Rabinowitz Hofstra Honors College 
June 10-12, June 16-18, June 24-26, July 8-10, July 15-17, July 22-24. 
Aug 25-27 is also available for those RHC students who must travel more than 300 miles.

Cheerleaders and Dance Team members must be registered students to practice with the teams during the summer. 

Drama majors
June 10-12, June 16-18, June 24-26, July 8-10.

Dance majors
June 10-12, June 16-18, June 24-26, July 8-10.

Music Business majors 
June 10-12, June 16-18, June 24-26, July 8-10.

(Prospective music majors must take the Music Theory and Ear Training Placement Exam which will be administered online before attending orientation. The exam takes approximately 1 1/2 hours to complete. Please call the Hofstra Department of Music at 516-463-5490 if you have questions related to this exam.)

NOAH Students
June 10-12, June 16-18, June 24-26

Pre-Health students may attend any session.

Pre-Law students may attend any session.

NCAA student-athletes should attend one of the following sessions: 
June 10-12, June 16-18, June 24-26. (These students should bring a copy of their fall practice schedule to Orientation; it will assist with the preparation of an academic schedule. Students may wish to direct specific questions regarding practices and games to Hofstra Athletics at 516-463-6750 or contact the appropriate coach directly.)

Nursing students may attend any session.

Zarb School of Business students may attend any session.

International undergraduate students are encouraged to attend New Student Orientation, if possible. However, due to travel challenges and immigration procedures, we realize it may not be possible for you to attend one of the New Student Orientation sessions. If you are an undergraduate international student and you are interested in attending the New Student Orientation during the summer, please contact the International Student Enrollment (ISE) office at international@hofstra.edu or 516-463-6796 to review the immigration requirements that you will need to fulfill in order to attend. ISE will then aid you in registering for the New Student Orientation.

(Regardless, all new International Students (F-1 and J-1 students) are required to attend the mandatory International Student Orientation held August 25-27. For more information, please visit: hofstra.edu/internationalorientation)


Check-in information along with technology requirements for your session will be sent to your Hofstra email. Please check your Hofstra email on a regular basis.

Prepare for Orientation

Before Orientation

Register for New Student Orientation and Family Orientation

Log in to the Hofstra portal to indicate your date preferences and register your family members for Family Orientation. You will receive confirmation of your dates to your Hofstra email.

Know how to log in to the Hofstra portal (http://my.hofstra.edu)

Hofstra Portal: This is where you can access your Hofstra email and Canvas, the learning management system used by faculty for classes during the academic year, and also for some portions of New Student Orientation.

Have your Hofstra username and password handy

Both are needed to log in to the portal, check your email, and access other online features. If you have misplaced or forgotten your username and password, contact the ITS Help Desk at help@hofstra.edu or call 516-463-7777 and follow the prompts.

Math and Language Assessments

Depending on your major, you may be required to take a math or language assessment, or both. These assessments help our advising team recommend courses that are suitable for your first semester at Hofstra so you start off on the right track. Information about your specific placement assessments will be sent to your Hofstra email after you register for New Student Orientation. This email will come from the Dean of the Center for University Advising.

Any required assessments should be completed in advance of Orientation.  If you are required to take a math assessment, we encourage you to do that as soon as possible. You will receive a benchmark score but then have an opportunity to improve your standing.  Students may complete learning modules and retest to place into a higher level.

Be sure to check your email for instructions regarding which assessments are required for you as well as how to access them.  Instructions for the assessments will be found directly on the site. The assessments are available in the portal at my.hofstra.edu. Check your email for more specific details. If you have problems or need technical help, contact the ITS Service Desk at 516-463-7777 or email HELP@Hofstra.edu.

There is no time limit for the math assessment. However, if you have a documented disability and require extended time on the language assessment, please call Student Access Services (SAS) at 516-463-7075 or visit sas@hofstra.edu. We will be happy to arrange extended time for the placement. Be sure to contact them before starting the assessment. SAS will send instructions to your Hofstra Pride email on how to take the placement exams with extended time.

Complete Required Health Forms

You will need to supply documentation of your vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella. In addition, New York state law requires that you acknowledge receipt of the meningitis information.
If you have not already done so, please complete your medical records through our online Student Health Center Platform at Hofstra.medicatconnect.com

  • Click the IMMUNIZATIONS tab to enter information related to the required immunizations.
  • Click the FORMS tab and then MENINGITIS RESPONSE to respond online.
  • Click the UPLOAD tab to upload all of your supporting documentation.
  • Once you have completed these steps, your records will be updated. Please allow 24 hours for this change to be reflected in your academic record.

Submit your AP and College Credits

Send official transcripts for Advanced Placement credit, college credits, or credits from any other special programs to the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Having your most up-to-day credits on file will help our advising team recommend the best courses for you. Note that completing your placement exams in language and mathematics are still required regardless of AP scores and prior college credits.

Set up HofPass on your mobile device

Find full steps and device requirements here. Download the "Atrium Campus Connect" app from your app store on your mobile device and upload your photo for your Hofstra ID. For further instructions and necessary steps to upload your photo click here. Download and enroll in DUO, click here for instructions.

Consider Your First-Year Connections Options

Hofstra's first-year seminars and clusters are designed to get your college experience off to a great start. At the heart of the program are small classes taught by distinguished faculty in areas of interest ranging from art to writing. Not only will these courses introduce you to the intellectual and social life of the University, but – even if you are undecided about a major – nearly all of them will also help you satisfy the general education requirements for all majors. These are regular undergraduate courses, but they are reserved for first-year students only, so once you've looked over the FYC offerings, please log in to the Hofstra portal (my.hofstra.edu) and give us your preferences.

Download the ZeeMee app

from the iOS app store or Google Play store. Some of you may already have this app and have been using it to engage with other incoming students. Our orientation staff and Pride Guides will be on ZeeMee to give you updates and answer questions.

Get Excited and Connect With Us!

Follow @hofstraorientation on Instagram to connect with classmates and have your questions answered. Use #HofWelcome to showcase your photos and posts! Learn about your orientation leaders – they’ll be a great resource for you when you come for orientation and beyond!

Review the Packing List

Please refer to the New Student Orientation Packing Checklist as you prepare to pack for New Student Orientation. Feel free to contact us at orientation@hofstra.edu or 516-463-4874 with any questions or concerns.


After Orientation

After you attend Orientation, the countdown until your return to campus begins! Check out information below as you look forward to returning to campus.

Residence Life and the Office of Commuting Student Services and Community Outreach
Whether you're living on campus or commuting, Hofstra is your home! Make sure you have all the information you need to settle in by familiarizing yourself with the Office of Residence Life and the Office of Commuting Student Services and Community Outreach.

Welcome Week
Welcome Week is a five-day schedule of events designed to introduce you to the Hofstra campus, the rigor of academic life, our rich culture and traditions, on-campus resources, and the exciting diversity of Hofstra and the community around us. You will have the opportunity to participate in academic, social, athletic, and community events as well as partake in trips to New York City and the surrounding Long Island community. Get ready to become a member of the Pride!

Visit hofstra.edu/welcomeweek for complete information about Welcome Week activities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I sign up for New Student Orientation?

All accepted undergraduate students must first pay the Enrollment-Orientation deposit (see second question below). About 72 hours after the deposits have been received, you can sign up for New Student Orientation on the Hofstra portal at my.hofstra.edu. You will need your Hofstra username (h7xxxxxxx) and password to access your account. Having issues accessing your account? Contact the ITS Service Desk at 516-463-7777 or HELP@Hofstra.edu.

How much does New Student Orientation cost?

The fee is $300. The Orientation fee goes toward this program, Welcome Week, and programming for incoming students that takes place during the fall semester.

How do I get confirmation about my Orientation session?

Confirmations are sent to your Hofstra email within three business days. Please make sure that you read your confirmation email carefully, as the date you are assigned may be different that one that you originally requested. You can access your Hofstra email through the portal (my.hofstra.edu) by clicking on the icon marked Gmail.

Do commuting students stay on campus for New Student Orientation?

All students, regardless of whether they will be living on campus or commuting in the fall, are required to stay on campus for New Student Orientation. Our programming starts early in the morning and continues into the evening both days. We have found that the connections students make by staying on campus enhance their orientation experience.

I signed up for the Week 8 session (August 25-27, 2025), when do I arrive or move into my on-campus room?

The Week 8 (August 25-27, 2025) session is set aside for domestic undergraduates who live and must travel more than 300 miles from campus and for international undergraduate students. If you are living on campus for the fall semester, you will need to arrive on Sunday, August 24, 2025, and move into your on-campus residence hall between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Note that we cannot provide housing for family members or for students attending this session who do not fit into the above categories.

What do I need to bring with me to New Student Orientation?

New Student Orientation is a three-day, two-night program where all students stay overnight on campus and get their first glimpse of life at Hofstra.

Please refer to this checklist as you prepare to pack for New Student Orientation. Feel free to contact us at orientation@hofstra.edu or 516-463-4874 with any questions or concerns.

How do I get to Hofstra’s campus?

Getting Here By Driving

Please refer to driving directions listed here - https://www.hofstra.edu/visitors/directions.html Note that you will be checking into the Netherlands Residence Hall Complex, located at Hempstead Turnpike and Oak Street.

Getting Here By Rail Road

From New York City: The Long Island Railroad provides regular commuter service from Pennsylvania Station in New York City and Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn, New York, to the Hempstead and Mineola stations. Pennsylvania Station is located at 34th Street and 8th Avenue, below Madison Square Garden. The Hempstead and Mineola stations are serviced by Hofstra's campus shuttle. If taking the train on the Hempstead branch, exit at the final stop "Hempstead." Mineola station is a stop on the schedules of the Port Jefferson and Ronkonkoma branches. Taxi cabs are available at both stations.

View complete Long Island Rail Road information and schedules

Getting Here By Plane

Nearby airports include John F. Kennedy International Airport, LaGuardia Airport, and MacArthur Airport. A NYC Yellow Cab ride to and from the airports can be costly. Fares are subject to double once the taxi leaves the NYC limits.

If taking a taxi, please ensure it is a licensed yellow taxi from the taxi stand. Please do not accept rides from any individual claiming to be a taxi or cab service elsewhere. Ride share services such as Lyft and Uber are also available at the airports.

Where and when do I check in for New Student Orientation?

All students will report to the Netherlands Residence Hall complex, located on the corner of Hempstead Turnpike and Oak Street. Check-in begins at 8:45 a.m.

*Please note that week 2 of NSO takes place on Monday, June 16 to Wednesday June 18, 2025. Students attending this session will check in on Monday, June 16, at 8:45 a.m. at the Netherlands Residence Hall complex.

Where can I get a schedule of events for my Orientation session?

You will get a detailed schedule for the three-day/two-night Orientation program at check-in. To prepare, here are some highlights from each day.


Floor meetings
Campus tour
Academic and informational sessions


Academic and informational sessions continued
How to Hofstra
Small group academic advising sessions and class registration
That’s So Hofstra


Individual advising appointments
Other required appointments
Turn in keys, check out

What do I need to get my Hofstra ID?

The Hofstra Card has gone digital! Set up HofPass on your mobile device before attending New Student Orientation. Find full steps and device requirements here. Download the "Atrium Campus Connect" app from your app store on your mobile device and upload your photo for your Hofstra ID. For further instructions and necessary steps to upload your photo click here. Download and enroll in DUO, click here for instructions.

What are placement assessments?

Depending on your major, you may need to complete an online placement assessment in math and/or foreign language prior to Orientation. Students pursuing majors that require calculus will be required to take the math assessment. If your degree includes a language requirement you will be set up for a foreign language assessment. This assessment will be set up based on the language you studied in high school. You would identify this information when you sign up for Orientation. These results are used to determine your placement level for classes. Assessments must be taken online at least one week prior to attending Orientation. You will receive an email to your Hofstra Pride account with instructions on how to access the assessments.

Do I need to take the placement assessments if I have Advanced Placement (AP) credits or college level credits?

We advise students to take any required assessments to establish a benchmark, even if you are anticipating transfer credits. Scores from these exams will give your advising dean the best understanding of your proficiency in both subjects. You should also bring all scores and other information from AP or college-level courses to your academic advising appointment during New Student Orientation. This will allow your advising dean to assess your proficiency and suggest courses for the next semester.

When do I plan my class schedule?

All students attend a curriculum overview to learn about degree requirements on Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition, students receive information about the registration process, academic expectations, and deadlines. Course registration begins on Wednesday.

You may have registered a preference in advance for a first-year seminar and/or cluster for your specific first-semester academic program. At Orientation you will meet with an advising dean or faculty advisor to discuss your curriculum options. It is at this point that you will complete your schedule by adding courses. If you have not selected a preference for a specific first-semester seminar and/or cluster, these may be available to you during Orientation. Your advising dean or faculty advisor will review your curriculum options and placement in math and foreign language classes based on your assessment scores.

Can my parents come to Orientation?

Yes. There is a separate Orientation program for parents and family members that runs concurrently with and separately from New Student Orientation.

These one-day sessions take place on the Tuesday of the student’s confirmed date of Orientation. (Note that during the second week of NSO in 2025, the session falls on a Monday as the NSO session takes place Monday - Wednesday.).

When students sign up for New Student Orientation, they will have an opportunity to sign up parent/family members for Parent and Family Orientation. Please visit hofstra.edu/fo for a schedule and details about Parent and Family Orientation. Parents and families do not stay on campus during the Orientation program. Some parents and family members who travel from far away stay at nearby hotels for the duration of the three-day program so that they can take their students back with them on the last day.

Here is a list of nearby hotels.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my Orientation date?

To reschedule your Orientation session, log in to the Hofstra portal (my.hofstra.edu) and send an email from your Hofstra email address to orientation@hofstra.edu and indicate your full name, your Hofstra ID number (70xxxxxxx), and your new date choices. We will make every attempt to accommodate your request.

Will I have a full range of course options if I attend a later New Student Orientation session?

Courses are available throughout the summer, and the University reviews the course offerings to ensure that we meet the needs of our students. Students are strongly encouraged to pre-register a preference for the First-Year Connections program. This program serves as a cornerstone for your academic schedule.

For more information regarding First-Year Connections, visit hofstra.edu/connections or contact the Center for University Advising at 516-463-7222 or 516-463-6770.

When does New Student Orientation end?

Orientation is completed Thursday afternoon after each student registers for classes and completes several components before and after their advising appointments. Registration appointments start as early as 9 a.m. and continue in 30-minute intervals until 4 p.m. Students will receive information on the Wednesday of their Orientation session about Thursday appointment time(s).

Typically, students are finished about an hour and a half after their advisement appointment time.

All students MUST check out at the Netherlands Residence Complex by turning in their keys, access card, and borrowed linens before departure.

Note that during week 2 of NSO (June 16-18, 2025), students will check out on Wednesday, June 18, 2025 after their last appointments.

What medical records does the University require?

Students should upload immunization records to Hofstra.Medicatconnect.com before the first day of classes. Students should make sure to both upload a complete record and enter the dates accurately. In addition, you should make sure that you have answered the meningitis vaccine question, even if you have received the vaccine. Students who do not comply with this New York state law are not permitted to attend classes at the University. Call Student Health Center at 516-463-6745 with any questions.

What type of computer should I purchase for the fall?

Please see the Educational and Research Technology Services recommendations here.