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Mother and Child reading a bedtime story book

Grafton, Carol Belanger [comp.] Children
Grafton, Carol Belanger [comp.] Children: a Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth Century Sources. NY: Dover Publications, 1978, p. 88. Mother and Child reading a bedtime story book.

The Nila Banton Smith Collection, from which the materials in this exhibit were drawn, is housed in Hofstra University’s Special Collections Department, located at the West Campus Library Technical Services building. The collection documents the history of reading instruction from the colonial period to within the past twenty years. Materials deemed to be of value for current educational use are housed in the Curriculum Materials Center at the Axinn Library.

The collection was established by Professor Emeritus H. Alan Robinson of Hofstra’s School of Education, in honor of the Professor Smith’s contribution to the history of reading instruction.

For further information on the collection, contact the Director of Special Collections at 516-463-6409.

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