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Student Services

Online Submission of Theses and Dissertations

All students must submit their Hofstra University Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation online through ProQuest’s ETD Administrator.  The Serials Office of Axinn Library is available to guide you through the submission process and assist you with any questions or problems you may have. 

Your thesis or dissertation must be completely finalized before submitting.  This means that all editing is completed, the manuscript has been accepted by the department, and all required signatures are included on the title page.  Specifics about formatting, title page requirement, and/or copyright page requirements (typically for dissertation students only) must be obtained from the particular department. The Serials Department of Axinn library does not have this information. 

Preparing your Manuscript for Online Submission

Once your thesis or dissertation is completely finalized, you will need to incorporate the signed title page into the manuscript and convert the entire thesis/dissertation into a PDF. Step-by-step instructions are here.

Online Submission

Once your manuscript has been converted into a PDF with the signed title page,

You will be guided through the steps of submitting your manuscript in PDF format for digital publishing. If you are unable to complete the process in one sitting, you can save your information at any time and continue your submission later.  FAQs are included throughout the site.  If you wish to consult the FAQs before beginning the process, you can do so here.

A few notes about the submission process:

  • Copyright is optional for both theses and dissertations.  While there are advantages to registering your manuscript with the U.S. Copyright Office (such as the ability of the author to collect statutory damages in case of a successful infringement lawsuit), it is important to understand that a student's dissertation or thesis is protected by copyright as soon as is "fixed in a tangible medium of expression" such as on paper or saved electronically. More information about the advantages of registering with the U.S. Copyright Office is available in the resource "Copyright and Your Dissertation: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities" by Kenneth Crews.  Students wishing to register their thesis or dissertation for copyright can do so through the ETD system during submission, or they can submit directly at the U.S. Copyright Office.  There is a charge.  
  • The library no longer binds print copies nor does it require that a microfilm copy be sent to us.  If you wish to have bound copies, you can order them directly from the ETD Administrator submission system or you can use a printing/binding service such as Staples or Office Depot.
  • The ETD system defaults to having the dissertation and thesis metadata discoverable via Google and Google Scholar. With the move toward open access for scholarly materials, university libraries are making dissertation metadata available by default. If you would like to remove your ProQuest-provided metadata from Google and Google Scholar, you can do so by contacting ProQuest at 1-800-521-0600. 

Once your manuscript is submitted, the Serials Department of the Axinn Library will review your submission and contact you via email.  If you do not hear from us or have any questions about submitting your thesis or dissertation, feel free to contact Kristine Pries at 516-463-6439,, or Sally Glasser at You can also contact ETD Technical Support at 877-408-5027.  And last but not least...

Congratulations on completing your thesis or dissertation!!

Hofstra University

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