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Cultural Center

From the Outside In: Sustainable Futures for Global Cities and Suburbs

National Center for Suburban Studies, Hofstra University
New Conference Dates: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 7, 8, and 9, 2013

Sustainable Futures

Sponsorship Opportunities

Gold Sponsor                                                                                      $15,000

Visibility- Company logo displayed on conference promotional materials including:

  •  Email communications
  • Conference website
  • Social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter)
  • All printed marketing materials
  • Event signage

Speaking Opportunities- Opportunity to introduce keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Bullard.

Marketing Kiosk- Opportunity to set up a marketing kiosk and insert marketing materials into conference materials.  

Verbal Recognition- Verbal recognition during welcoming and closing addresses. Passes and seating for fifteen at all Conference events.

For more information, please contact:

Dawne Alvarado
Hofstra University
Office for Development and Alumni Affairs
(516) 463-5821

Silver Sponsor                                                               $10,000

Visibility- Company logo displayed on conference promotional materials including:

  •  Email communications
  • Conference website
  • Social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter)
  • All printed marketing materials
  • Event signage

Speaking Opportunities- Opportunity to introduce the individual sessions. Passes and seating for ten at all Conference events  

Panel Sponsorship                                                                                $5,000

Company logo prominently displayed on signage for panel sessions. Verbal recognition will be given by session moderator.

Hofstra Sustainability Sponsor                                                          $5,000

Sponsorship utilized to support and promote greening efforts on the campus of Hofstra University.

K-12 Science Teacher Scholarship Fund                                         $5,000

Sponsorship used to allow local science teachers to attend the conference, reinforcing the relationship between the Hofstra University Sustainability Program and local schools.

University Student Support Sponsor                                                 $5,000

Will allow university students from partnering institutions to attend, participate, and network during the Conference.

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