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Cultural Center
Sustainable Futures

From the Outside In: Sustainable Futures for Global Cities and Suburbs

National Center for Suburban Studies, Hofstra University

New Conference Dates: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 7, 8, and 9, 2013

Please join the conversations

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OutsideInConf

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/OutsideInConf
Hashtag: #outsidein

Conference Committee

  • Robert Brinkmann, Hofstra University, Conference Co-Director
  • Christopher Niedt, Hofstra University, Conference Co-Director
  • Lawrence Levy, Hofstra University
  • Dawne Alvarado, Hofstra University
  • Eliot Sclar, Columbia University
  • Constantine Kontokosta, New York University
  • Robert Paaswell, CUNY – City College
  • June Williamson, CUNY – City College
  • John McNally, Long Island Index
  • Ernest Tollerson, Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Clint Andrews, Rutgers University
  • Peter Salins, Stony Brook University

We plan to hold the conference as scheduled. Please check this website for future updates.

If you are a paper presenter who is currently scheduled for Thursday, but is unable to come due to weather, please e-mail hofstrasustainability2012@gmail.com with your travel plans, so that we can reschedule you for a Friday session.

Our interdisciplinary conference will maintain the theme of sustainable futures in global city-regions, taking the suburbs as its starting point and working its way inward to the city center. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, we have expanded the conference sessions to explore themes related to suburban resiliency.  

For those presenters whose abstracts were accepted for the November conference, please e-mail us at hofstrasustainability2012@gmail.com by December 15th to let us know whether you will be able to join us in March. 

Join academics, practitioners, and community leaders for an interdisciplinary discussion about sustainability that bridges the environmental, economic, and social spheres within complex urban regions.

From the Outside In: Sustainable Futures for Global Cities and Suburbs is a three-day conference focusing on the sustainable futures in global city-regions, taking the suburbs as its starting point and working its way inward to the city center. Keynote speakers include Dr. Robert Bullard, William Fulton, and Dr. Burrell Montz.

Dr. Robert Bullard, Dean, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University will discuss how to achieve livable communities for all.

Mr. William Fulton, Vice President and Director of Policy, Development and Implementation, Smart Growth America, will discuss how cities and states pursue prosperity.

Dr. Burrell Montz, Chair, Department of Geography, East Carolina University, will discuss severe storms in suburbia and setbacks to sustainability.

In addition to these keynote addresses, the conference will include presentations of cutting-edge research in the areas of public health, architecture, economics, education, and more.

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