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Middle School Extension Certificate Admissions Requirements

To apply to these programs, please visit the Office of Graduate Admission.

  • Middle Childhood Extension-Grades 5 and 6

    Middle Childhood Extension – Grades 5 and 6 (Semester Hours: 6)

    Applicants must:

    • Possess or be in the process of completing initial or professional certification in a secondary subject, grades 7-12.
    • Submit a completed application form obtained from the office of Graduate Admission;
    • Possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher in all graduate course work;
    • Interview with the middle childhood education program director.

    The program leads to an extension of certification into grades 5 and 6 for the subject area of the original certification. These areas include English, mathematics, social studies and science (biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics).

    Students who hold provisional rather than initial certification are required to demonstrate completion of 6 s.h. elective credit, of which 3 s.h. must be in the teaching of literature/language arts. Program director must approve electives.

  • Middle Childhood Extension-Grades 7-9

    Middle Childhood Extension – Grades 7 – 9 (Semester Hours: 6)

    Applicants must:

    • Possess or be in the process of completing or initial or professional certification in childhood education (Grades 1-6)
    • Demonstrate completion of at least 30 semester hours of college course work in the subject area to be taught;
    • Submit a completed application form obtained from the office of Graduate Admission;
    • Possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher in all graduate course work;
    • Interview with the middle childhood education program director.

    The applicable subject areas require the successful completion of 30 semester hours in the content area (with advisement) are as follows:

    • English: undergraduate or graduate course work beyond first-year composition.
    • Language other than English (LOTE): undergraduate or graduate course work beyond the intermediate level in French, German, Russian and Spanish. (Italian at the undergraduate level only.)
    • Mathematics: undergraduate or graduate course work, including 18 semester hours of non-introductory course work including calculus I and II, probability and statistics, finite/discrete mathematics, higher geometry, and linear algebra.
    • Social studies: undergraduate or graduate course work in non-Western history, United States history, European history/Western civilization, economics and sociology.
    • Biology: undergraduate or graduate course work.
    • Chemistry: undergraduate or graduate course work.
    • Geology: undergraduate or graduate course work.
    • Physics: undergraduate or graduate course work.

    To apply to these programs, please visit the Office of Graduate Admission.

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