NYSCATE Project Overview
The New York State Curriculum for Advanced Technological Education Project (NYSCATE) is an Advanced Technological Education Project funded by the National Science Foundation. The three-year, $1.5M Project comprises a consortium of two-year and four-year institutions including Finger Lakes Community College, Fulton Montgomery Community College, New York City Technical College, and Hofstra University in cooperation with the New York State Education Department. The Project’s mission is to lay the groundwork for systemic reform of Advanced Technological Education (ATE) curriculum in New York State.
The Project will develop, field test, and institutionalize 14 articulated, state-sanctioned grade 9 — 14 Advanced Technological Education curriculum modules within three overarching areas of technology: Bio/Chemical Technology, Information Technology, and Physical Technology (materials and manufacturing).
NYSCATE will engage community college, university, and high school faculty; industrialists; state-level policy makers; and NSF ATE Centers of Excellence as collaborators in developing exemplary materials and in unifying secondary and post-secondary segments of the New York State ATE delivery system.
In its third year, the Project will expand the field test of its products to additional sites in New York and three other states to bring a standards-driver, academically integrative, pedagogically contemporary perspective to ATE curriculum and instruction
Dr. David Burghardt
Dr. Michael Hacker
For more information,
please contact:
Dr. William Peruzzi
Project Coordinator
Lois Miceli
Adminstrative Assistant
Hofstra University
Center for Technological Literacy
773 Fulton Ave.
Hempstead, NY 11549-7730
(516) 463-6482
- To produce a series of 14 curriculum modules that will accommodate grades 9 — 14 curricular needs in bio/chemical technology, information technology, and physical technology through adapting and implementing best practices and programs.
- To field-test each module rigorously, collect field-test data, and revise the materials in response to feedback received from field-test teachers.
- To develop flexible delivery systems including paper- and Web-based learning-on-demand programs and virtual laboratories with remote access.
- To bring about collaboration among stakeholders who comprise the ATE delivery system.
- To evaluate and disseminate models, methods, activities, and result.
Management Personnel
Project Administration | Project Co-Principal Investigators |
Project Co-Directors M.David Burghardt, Ph.D. Michael Hacker Hofstra University |
Linda Hobart Finger Lakes Community College |
Project Coordinator William Peruzzi, Ph.D. Hofstra University |
John E. Jablonski Dean Of Business and Technology Fulton Montgomery Community College |
Project Administrative Assistant Lois Miceli Hofstra University |
Margarita S. Mayo Director of Education and Training New York State Business College |
Project Evaluator Bert Flugman, Ph.D. Center for Advanced Study in Education, CUNY |
Godfrey I. Nwoke, Ph.D. New York City College of Technology |
State Education Department Liaison Bernard McInerney Statewide Tech Prep Coordinator |
Jean Stevens Assistant Commissioner Office of Workforce Preparation and Continuing Education New York State Education Department |
Project Advisory Council
Mr. Stuart Field (Advisory Council Chair) Manager, Saratoga Division, Slack Chemical Company
Dr. James C. Dawson, Member, NYS Board of Regents
Mrs. Nancy Bryan, Past President
New York State Technology Education Association
Mr. James Cimino, Executive Director
Association of Career and Technical Education Adminstrators
Dr. Lorraine Hohenforst, Coordinator of Instructional Services
Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES
Dr. Elaine A. Johnson, Director
Bio-Link (ATE) Center, City College of San Francisco
Dr. James Masi, Retired Executive Director, Northeast (ATE) Center for Telecommunications Technology, Professor Emeritus, Western New England College
Mr. Bernard McInerney, Statewide Tech Prep Coordinator, NYSED
Mr. Gordon Snyder, Executive Director
National Center for Telecommunications Technology
Writing Team
Linda Hobart, Co-Pi Teacher/Writers Consultant/Writer |
John E. Jablonski, Co-Pi Teacher/Writers Consultant/Writer |
Dr. Godfrey Nwoke, Co-Pi Teacher/Writers Consultant/Writer |
NYSCATE Products
NYSCATE FOCUS on informed Design
Final Modules