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Political Science Letters of Recommendation

Hofstra Political Science students often need to ask their professors for letters of recommendation. These letters are used by law school and graduate school admissions committees, and by employers hiring interns or permanent employees. The Political Science faculty is happy to provide you with such letters, but needs your help in taking care of a few matters that will enable us to be as complete as possible in our evaluations and thereby increase the chances that our students will receive top placements.

If you need a letter of recommendation, we will best be able to help you if you observe the following courtesies:

You should provide the professor with a sheet that includes the following information:
a. your full name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address
b. a list of the schools (or internships or employers) that will be receiving the recommendation letter
c. a list of which courses you took with the professor and when you took them

You should provide the professor with a resume (or something like it).

You might want to provide the professor with a copy of the best writing you did in a class you took with the professor.

You should include all necessary forms, and be sure to sign them so as to indicate whether or not you wish to waive later access to the recommendation. Be aware that most institutions accord more weight to a recommendation to be kept confidential than to one you retain access to.

You should include stamped envelopes, addressed to yourself or to the institution to which the recommendation letter is to be sent, whichever is required.

Please allow plenty of time for the professor to fill out the recommendation (normally, at least two weeks).