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Nine new members inducted on May 9, 2013

Eight Hofstra students and one Hofstra professor were inducted as members of Gamma Theta Upsilon on May 9, 2013. A keynote speech on different uses of geographic knowledge was given by Dr. Christopher Niedt, who holds a PhD in Geography from University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Niedt is the academic director of the National Center for Suburban Studies, as well as an assistant professor in the Sociology department. The induction ceremony was led by Mu Kappa President, Dr. Kari Jensen, and Vice President, Dr. Veronica Lippencott. It was attended by both new and old members of Mu Kappa, including alumni Rebecca Galin, who is now doing a Masters of Secondary Education at University of Connecticut. Mu Kappa member Melanie Martha was awarded a GTU award for excellence in Geography for her honors thesis titled “Tourism and the Galápagos Islands: Examining the Relationship between Ecotourism and the Local Population”, for which she conducted fieldwork on the Galápagos Islands during the summer of 2012.

The Hofstra student inductees were:
Caron Cornell Bricks 
Kira Kazantsev * 
Nadir Khan
Kaylee Platt 
Allison Ilana Shapero * 
Nathan Traiger Shapiro 
Gabriella Sperduto * 
Kevin Alexander Tamerler

The Hofstra professor inductee was:
Christopher Niedt

Inductees/Induction Ceremonies

GTU Induction - May 2013
GTU Induction (May 9th, 2013)

Seven new members inducted on November 14, 2012

Six Hofstra students and one Hofstra professor were inducted as members of Gamma Theta Upsilon on November 14, 2012, in the lounge of the Department of Global Studies and Geography, 209 Roosevelt. A keynote speech on the importance of Geography was given by Dr. Grant Saff. The induction ceremony was led by Mu Kappa President, Dr. Kari Jensen, and Vice President, Dr. Veronica Lippencott, assisted by Mu Kappa student member Melanie Martha.

The Hofstra student inductees were
Jaclyn Catania
Tara Lynn Cohen
Joshua Ettinger
Jennifer Perniciaro
Charles Picone
Hannah Kate Skahill

The Hofstra professor inductee was:
Grant Saff

For more information on the Global Studies and Geography Department at Hofstra University, visit  www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/hclas/geog/