Marketing and Communications


Marketing and Communications monitors and creates content for the HOFCAST displays campus-wide. Information about events that are occurring and important campus announcements can be found on this well-known communicative platform.

Submit a Request

About Hofcast

  • HOFCAST operates 24/7 on the closed-circuit system.
  • Most content contains QR codes that link to webpages and RSVP pages. Be sure to have your mobile devices nearby when looking at the content on the screens.
  • Read about important campus announcements, upcoming events, athletics events, and even more about recent Hofstra news stories!

Hofcast Resources


HOFCAST Submission Guidelines
Learn more about best practices and what goes into a HOFCAST submission for approval.


Events Calendar
The official University events calendar presents an extensive webpage dedicated to all events.

Social Media

Visit the platform managed by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE) for student events, powered by Campus Labs. 

Hofcast Submission Guidelines

Below are the general guidelines for any HOFCAST submission:

All HOFCAST’s must be submitted to Marketing and Communications via HIVE. Please visit to submit a HOFCAST for display.

Just because you found an image on Google, does not mean you can use it! If you took the photo or are the sole creator of the image for HOFCAST, then your image is acceptable. If the image is not yours, you will need to obtain permission to use the image on your piece. There are royalty-free image websites online, but most charge a fee to use their images. Instead, you can use photos tagged with an Attribution License from Flickr Creative Commons (just make sure to credit the photographer) or use, along with any other website that provides images with Creative Commons licenses.

No one likes surprises. If you are using an image with a Hofstra community member’s face, please make sure you have their permission. Unless you have a model's permission, it is best to avoid faces on HOFCAST.

Try to avoid using a light background behind lightly colored text. Conversely, avoid using dark backgrounds with dark text. This will help your HOFCAST’s accessibility and readability to end users.

This will help your HOFCAST’s accessibility and readability to end users. Your HOFCAST should be easy to read from at least 10 feet away.

Also suggested: Use a small drop-shadow to make text stand out and if necessary, put a block of color behind the text to make it stands out clearly from the background.

Limit the information included to just the most important elements. This includes the name of the event/program, a description of the event, time and date, location, RSVP link (if any), QR codes, and contact info. These should be the largest/easiest parts of content to read on your HOFCAST.

Also suggested: Below are acceptable listings for date and time fields:

            Date:  Wednesday, June 5, 2024


                        June 5

            Time (DO NOT include zero’s):   11 a.m.

                                                                Noon (Please use instead of 12:00)

                                                                3 p.m.

Instead of designing a flyer vertically, turn it on its side (landscape orientation). The key benefit is you can fit more/larger text across the width.

Please be sure that your HOFCAST is a 1920x1080 JPG file when submitting to Marketing and Communications. If your HOFCAST is not in the appropriate size or file format, you could see a delay in having your HOFCAST added to the screens around campus.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Andy Kissoon, internal communications specialist, at 516-463-6695 or email