Hofstra University
Faculty Affairs
The Faculty Affairs page at Hofstra University supports faculty success through resources that offer guidance on appointments, promotions, tenure, evaluations, and policies. It also provides professional development, mentoring, and tools to enhance faculty contributions in teaching, research, and service.
Our Mission is to...
Promote Faculty Success
We facilitate and support recruitment, retention, belonging and growth for all faculty. Our office champions opportunities that help faculty excel in their teaching, research, and service roles.

Our Primary Responsibilty is to...
Serve as a Principal Resource for Faculty
We are dedicated to providing clear, comprehensive information about academic appointments, promotion, tenure, evaluation, special leaves, and academic policies and procedures to ensure alignment with Hofstra University standards.

Our office supports a wide range of services, such as:
- Professional Development Programs
- Tenure and Promotion Guidance
- Faculty Mentoring
- Policy and Procedure Management
Comila Shahani-Denning, PhD
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Alison Zorn, MSEd
Manager of Academic Affairs
Nicole Finocchio, BA
Administrative Assistant
Faculty Resources

Professional Development
Learn about various initiatives to support your career.
Learn About Professional Development
Tenure and Promotion
Learn how to prepare for tenure and promotion.
Learn about tenure and promotion
Faculty Statutes and Policies
Learn about more resources for faculty.
Learn about Faculty Statutes and PoliciesFaculty Statutes and Policies

Teaching and Learning
Learn about classroom and curriculum support and available library resources.
Learn about Teaching and LearningTeaching and Learning
- Syllabus Info for Faculty
- Faculty: Classroom and Curriculum Support
- Hofstra University Library Guides for Hofstra Faculty
- Open Educational Resources and Scholarly Communication
- Resource Guide for Teaching Writing Intensive Courses
- Resources for providing support to students
- Faculty Book Delivery
- Turnitin
External Resources: Cruelty-Free Syllabus | Sweetland Center for Writing (teaching writing resources) | Science Education Resource Center | Tea for Teaching

Research Scholarship and Activities
Learn about grants, funding opportunities, and related research activities.
Learn about Research Scholarship and ActivitiesResearch Scholarship and Activities
- The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides information related to research and grant management, including identifying funding sources, assisting with proposal preparation, offering workshops on grant writing and funding trends, ensuring project compliance with regulations, collaborating with financial affairs for project implementation, and managing intellectual property through Technology Transfer.
- Environmental Health & Safety Office
- Faculty Research Day

Learn about EdTech’s offerings and Hofstra’s IT policies and available services.
Learn about TechnologyTechnology
- EDTech provides leadership and expertise in the use of innovative learning tools, instructional techniques, and course design to support faculty in teaching, learning, research, and scholarship.
- Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for designing, implementing, operating, securing, and supporting the University's technology systems and infrastructure.
- AI Policy
- Hofstra University Library
- Web-Based Services

Equity & Inclusion
Learn about E&I policies, resource groups, workshops, and EthicsPoint.
Learn about Equity & InclusionEquity & Inclusion
- The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) works to drive an equitable and inclusive culture for students, faculty, and staff.
- The University E&I Policies are available here.
- Through an effort to maintain constant improvement, Hofstra University supports Employee Resource Groups and Workshops and Trainings.
- EthicsPoint enables you to communicate issues and concerns while maintaining anonymity and confidentiality.

Hofstra Community and Services
Learn about Hofstra’s campus community, services, and shared governance.
Learn about Hofstra Community and Services
Adjunct Specific Resources
Learn about resources for adjunct faculty.
Learn about adjunct resourcesAdjunct Specific Resources
For more Adjunct Resources, refer to the following sections from the Collective Bargaining Agreement:
Article 6: Working Conditions
- 6.22 Adjunct Faculty Promotion Criteria pg. 44
- 6.25b Adjunct Faculty Computers pg. 45
- 6.26b Adjunct Faculty Office Space pg. 46
Article 7: Fringe Benefits
- 7.9 Adjunct Faculty Health Care Benefits pg. 57
- 7.12e Adjunct Faculty Sick Leave pg. 63
Article 8: Compensation
- 8.6 Adjunct Increases pg. 82
- 8.7 Adjunct Faculty Longevity increases pg. 83
- 8.8 Adjunct Faculty Promotional Increases pg. 83
- 8.9 Minimum Rates-Adjunct Faculty pg. 84
Article 9: Library
- 9.6 Adjunct Library Faculty pg. 107
Article 24 Adjunct Faculty pg. 141
Provost’s Office Faculty Awards
The Stessin Prize recognizes junior faculty for their scholarly efforts.
Learn about the Stessin Prize, eligibility requirements, and recent recipients.
Lawrence A. Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication
Each year the University awards the Lawrence A. Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication. This prize was established in the 1984/85 academic year to reward the scholarly efforts of junior faculty. Hofstra University congratulates the recipients of the 2023-2024 Stessin Prize:
Nicholas J. Merna, PhD
Associate Professor of Engineering
Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science
Gorbenko, N., Rinaldi, G., Sanchez, A., & Merna, N. (2023). Small-caliber vascular grafts engineered from decellularized leaves and cross-linked gelatin. Tissue Engineering Part A, 29(13-14), 397-409.
Daniel P. Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Cao, R., Rossdeutcher, R.B., Zhong, Y., Shen, Y., Miller, D.P., Sobiech, T.A., Wu, X., Sánchez Buitrago, L., Ramcharan, K., Gutay, M.I., Figueria, M.F., Luthra, P., Zurek, E., Szyperski, T., Button, B., Shao, Z., Gong, B. Aromatic pentaamide macrocycles bind anions with high affinity for transport across biomembranes. Nature Chemistry 15, 1559–1568 (2023).
Alex Sinha, JD, PhD
Associate Professor of Law
Maurice A. Deane School of Law
Alex Sinha, The End of Government Speech, 44 ;Cardozo L. Rev. 1899 (2023).
Dr. Stessin joined the Hofstra University faculty as a Professor of Management in 1958 and served continuously until his retirement in 1973. After graduation from the Columbia University School of Journalism, he worked at the New York Times and as a columnist and associate editor of Forbes Magazine. Dr. Stessin also published in a wide range of scholarly and academic media. During his lifetime and as part of his will, Dr. Stessin made substantial contributions to our University. His contribution to the endowment fund, which led to the establishment of the Stessin Prize, came with the expressed wish that the earnings from that gift be used as an incentive and reward for junior faculty who publish the results of their scholarly work.
Eligibility of Individuals
All full-time tenure-track Instructors, all full-time tenure-track Assistant Professors, all full-time tenure-track Associate Professors, and all Law School contract faculty and Physician Assistant clinical faculty in their first five years of employment at the time the work is published are eligible. Tenure designates are considered tenure track. Tenured faculty are ineligible. An individual must be employed by the University during the selection process and the work must indicate that the author is affiliated with Hofstra University.
Types of Publication
Books, monographs, journal articles and similar publications that appeared in print in calendar year prior to the award (e.g., 2020 for those awarded in the 2020/2021 academic year) are eligible. Reprints of oral presentations are excluded. The published work must identify the author as a Hofstra faculty member.
Selection Process
Each school, college, and the Library will establish a review committee of three tenured faculty members, not eligible for the award, who will review all submissions from their constituency. Each committee will rank their recommendations, recommend up to two publications, and forward those submissions to their respective Dean’s Office. The Dean’s Offices will submit their recommendation packets electronically to the Provost’s Office at provostawards@hofstra.edu for review by the Provost's Advisory Council, which will select the recipients of the awards.
For the timetable for the 2024-2025 academic year, please e-mail provostawards@hofstra.edu
Lawrence A. Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication
The recipients of previous years are listed below:
Alex Sinha
Daniel Miller
Nicholas Merna
Matthew Smylie
Salvador Rojas-Murillo
Jianchen Shan
Daphna Motro
Shu Yang
Maria Sanmartin
Kara Jaremko
Chanapong Rojanaworarit
Roche deGuzman
Jase Bernhardt
Amir Gandomi
Russell Chun
Benjamin Burrington
Jingsi Christina Wu
Valeria Luiselli
Lian Duan
Danyang Li
Kristopher Lotier
Kara Alaimo
John Vaccaro
Veronika Ilyuk
Adam Durst
Francesca Cassio
Na Wang
Emily Mundorff and Scott Lefurgy
Christopher W. Niedt
Irina D. Manta
Vimala PasupathiEnglish
Ashira Ostrow
Brenda J. Elsey
Christopher H. Eliot
Rose Cuison Villazor
David Woolwine
Richard T. Wilson
Timothy Daniels
Habib M. Ammari
I. Bennett Capers
Stephanie Cobb
Ronald Colombo
Behailu Mammo
Georgina Martorella
Jason Williams
Sally Charnow
Zilkia Janer
Tugba Cayirli
Julian Ku
Alafair S. Burke
Zuyan Zhou
Cindy Rosenthal
Daniel Ismailescu
Alafair S. Burke
Edwin Scott Fruehwald
Simon Doubleday
Daniel Seabold
Prithwi Raj Subramaniam
Mark Anson-Cartwright
Grant Hayden
Jacques Berlinerblau
Stanislao Pugliese
Chandler Carter
Meena Bose
Peter Spiro
Ben A. Heller
Mark Movsesian
Linda McClain
Meral Binbasioglu
Susan M. Yohn
David A. Powell
Leslie S. Siskin
Laura Otis
Patricia S. Mann
Neil H. Donahue
Eric M. Freedman
Lynn M. Mulkey
Douglas Brinkley
David Cassidy
Dana Brand
Douglas Colbert
Janet L. Miller
David A. Powell
Terry F. Godlove
Steven R. Costenoble
Estelle Weinstein
J. Stephen Russell
Douglas Colbert
Lee Zimmerman
Charles Smith
Marc L. Silver
Robert A. Baruch Bush
Elena Cevallos
Joann Krieg
Robert Guttmann
Ehsan Nikbakht
Stefan Waner
Each year our students help select a faculty member from each school and college to receive the Teacher of the Year award.
Learn more about the award and recent recipients.
Teacher of the Year Award
Each spring, Hofstra’s students help select the faculty members from each school and college who will receive the annual Teacher of the Year awards. The faculty members selected receive an engraved plaque, recognition in the commencement program, and a monetary award.
Hofstra University congratulates the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year recipients:
Maurice A. Deane School of Law
Theo Liebmann, JD
Clinical Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Monroe H. Freedman Institute for the Study of Legal Ethics
Zucker School of Medicine
First 100 Weeks:
Zeinab Nassrallah, PhD
Assistant Professor of Science Education
Second 100 Weeks:
Preetha Kurian, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science
Mauro Caputi, PhD
Associate Professor of Engineering
Zarb School of Business
Ralph Polimeni, PhD
The Chaykin Endowed Chair in Accounting and Professor of Accounting
School of Health Sciences
Ibraheem Karaye, MD, DrPH
Assistant Professor of Population Health
Lawrence Herbert School of Communication
George Nicholas, MFA
Associate Professor of Radio, Television, Film
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences:
School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts:
Christopher Dippel, MSEd, MFA
Associate Professor of Drama and Dance
Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs:
Katrina Sims, PhD
Assistant Professor of History
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics:
Kevin Bisceglia, PhD
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Hofstra Northwell School of Nursing and Physician Assistant Studies
Gina Pontrelli, DHSc, PA-C
Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies
In March, students are invited to vote online for the faculty they feel are most deserving of recognition as distinguished teachers. All faculty members who have taught a minimum of three (3) full years at Hofstra are eligible for the Teacher of the Year award. A faculty member who receives the award will be removed from the ballot for the following four (4) years (i.e., excluded for one four-year academic cycle). Once back on the ballot, the faculty member would be eligible for the Teacher of the Year Award after three (3) additional years. Following this procedure, both potential first time and past Teacher of the Year recipients are treated equally.
Teacher of the Year Award
The recipients of previous years are listed below:
Julie Byrne, Religion
Alan D. Flurkey, Specialized Programs in Education
Andrew M. Forman, Marketing, International Business and Legal Studies
Brian McFadden, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations
James J. Sample, Law
Jessica R. Santangelo, Biology
Martine Hackett, Population Health
Steven D. Smith, Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics
Xiang Fu, Computer Science
Donna Willenbrock, Nursing
Joanne Willey, Medical School 1st 100 weeks
Gainosuke “Gai” Sugiyama, Medical School 2nd 100 weeks
Mark Niles, Law
Joel Stern, Medicine
Syed Ahmad, Medicine
Gretchen Ostheimer, Computer Science
Yi Chin Lin, Information Systems & Business Analytics
Susan DeMetropolis, Speech-Language Hearing Sciences
Carol Fletcher, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations
Eustace Thompson, Specialized Programs in Education
Kelly McMasters, English
Ann Burlein, Religion
Kara Jaremko, Chemistry
Amy Roberts, PA Studies
Mary Lemp, Nursing
Kevin McElroy, Law
Edward Segal, Engineering
Sharon Phillips, Health Professions
Stephen J. Hernandez, Specialized Programs in Education
John Krapp, Comparative Literature, Languages & Linguistics
Meena Bose, Political Science
Behailu Mammo, Mathematics
Russell Harbaugh, Radio, Television, Film
Glen Vogel, Accounting, & Taxation
Robert Hill, Medicine
Gainosuke Sugiyama, Medicine
Alexander Pelaez, Information Systems & Business Analytics
Alexander H. Pesch, Engineering
Israel Schwartz, Health Professions
Amy J. Catalano, Teaching, Learning & Technology
James W. Lee, Fine Arts, Design, Art History
Paul B. Fritz, Political Science
Elisabeth J. Ploran, Psychology
Mary K. Banahan, Physician Assistant Studies
Jingsi Christina Wu, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations
Ronald Colombo, Law
David Elkowitz, Medicine
Roya R. Samuels, Medicine
Edward Coffield, Health Professions
Brenda J. Elsey, History
Jeffrey J. Froh, Psychology
Tammy A. Gales, Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics,
Carlo A. Gennarelli, Radio, Television, Film
Tatiana Gordon, Teaching, Learning and Technology, Education, HCLAS
Richard J. Puerzer, Engineering
Anoop Rai, Finance
James Sample, Law
Christine Zammit, Physician Assistant Studies
Zeinab Nassrallah, Medicine
Edward S. Wind, Medicine
David M. Henderson, Drama/Dance
Joseph F. Peyronnin, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations
Carole Ferrand, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt, Computer Science
Andrew Spieler, Finance Department
Carina Loscalzo, Physician Assistant Studies
J. Herbie DiFonzo, Law
Joanne Willey, Medicine
Jill Rabin, Medicine
Miriam Albert, Law
Andrew Spieldenner, Rhetoric
Janet Lenaghan, Management and Entrepreneurship
Gloria Lodato Wilson, Specialized Programs in Education
Wing Kwong, Engineering
Jeffrey Morosoff, Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations
Martine Hackett, Health Professions
Mark L’Eplattenier, Physician Assistant Studies
John N.H. Stern, Medicine
R. Ellen Pearlman, Medicine
Peter Gershon, Radio, Television, Film
Alan Singer, Teacher Education Programs
David Rooney, Engineering
Doron Milstein, Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences
Michael Barnes, Psychology
Stuart Bass, Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business
Kevin McElroy, Legal Writing
Joseph Weiner, Medicine
Syed Ahmad, Medicine
Ellen T. Frisina, Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations
Mauro J. Caputi, Engineering
Sarah A. Novak, Psychology
Holly J. Seirup, Counseling and Mental Health Professions
Katie M. Sell, Health Studies and Kinesiology
Elizabeth K. Venuti, Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business
James J. Sample, Law
William Rennie, School of Medicine
Mary Ann Allison, Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations
Xiang Fu, Computer Science
Robert P. Guttmann, Economics
Corinne M. Kyriacou, Health Professions
Maureen O. Murphy, Teaching, Literacy and Leadership
Glen M. Vogel, Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business
Juliana Campagna, Law
Dr. David E. Elkowitz, Department of Science Education and Pathology and Laboratory
Charles McMellon, Marketing and International Business
Susan Yohn, History
Kristal Zook, Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations
Judith Kaufman, Teaching, Literacy and Leadership
James Sample, Law
Benny Barak, Marketing and International Business
Robert Papper, Journalism, Media Studies, Public Relations
Laurie Johnson, Counseling, Research, Special Education, Rehabilitation
Bhaswati Sengupta, Economics
Elizabeth Glazer, Law
Ralph S. Polimeni, Accounting, Taxation, and Legal Studies in Business
Geoffrey Roth, Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations
Mary McDonald, Curriculum and Teaching
Ralph Acampora, Philosophy
Alafair Burke, Law
Robert Leonard, Comparative Literature and Language
Mary Anne Trasciatti, Speech Communication, Rhetoric & Performance Studies
Ahmet Karagozoglu, Finance
Bruce Torff, Curriculum and Teaching
Mitchell Gans, Law
Doron Milstein, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Victoria Geyer, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations
William James, Marketing and International Business
Jacqueline Grennon Brooks, Curriculum & Teaching
Grant Hayden, Law
David Green, Political Science
Robert Licata, Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations
Stuart Bass, Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business
Maureen Miletta, Curriculum and Teaching
Bennett Capers, Law
John Morrissey, Biology
Esther Fusco, Curriculum and Teaching
Elizabeth Venuti, Accounting/Taxation/Legal Studies in Business
Dennis Mazzocco, Audio/Video/Film
Mark Movsesian, Law
Eric Freedman, Law
Michael Barnes, Psychology
Andrea Libresco, Curriculum and Teaching
Andrew Spieler, Finance
Carol Fletcher, Journalism/Mass Media Studies
David Pushkin, Undergraduate Instruction
Mitchell Gans, Law
Peter Gershon, Audio/Video/Film
Daniel Sciarra, CRSR
Benny Barak, Marketing and International Business
Warren Mintz, New College/School for University Studies
Robert Guttmann, Economics/Geography
Charles F. Levinthal, Psychology (HCLAS)
Ellen Frisina, Journalism/Mass Media (Communication)
Alan J. Singer, Curriculum and Teaching (Education)
John Krapp, SUS (New College/SUS)
Ronald H. Silverman, Law
Janet A. Lenaghan, Mgmt, Entr, Gen Bus (Business)
Rosebud Elijah, Curriculum and Teaching
Richard Jones, Accounting, Taxation, Business Law
Robert W. Greene, Journalism/Mass Media Studies
Michael O’Loughlin, Administration and Policy Studies and Reading
Stuart L. Bass, Business Law
Frank G. Bowe, Counseling, Research, Special Education and Rehabilitation
Janice Koch, Curriculum and Teaching
Gene Pressel, Speech Arts and Sciences
Maureen Miletta, Curriculum and Teaching
Robert Marose, Bus. Info. Sys & Q.M.
Paula Uruburu, English
Eugene Maccarone, Chemistry
Robert Guttman, Economics
Thomas Parsons, Computer Science
Bernard Firestone, Political Science
Robert Braun, Accounting
Michael Barnes, Psychology
Walter Rosenthal, Marketing
Jack Salzman, English
Jack Yurkiewicz, Bus. Comp. Info. Sys & Q.M.
Kenneth Cooperman, Marketing
Bruce Meyer, Accounting
Robert Katz, Accounting
Ralph Polimeni, Accounting
Ralph Zalma, Special Education
Rosalie Stillwell, Biology
Oliver Niehouse, Management/Marketing & Q.M.
Ruth Priogozy, English
David Cernic, Philosophy
Stanley Brodwin, English
Ignacio Gotz, Foundations of Education
Edwin Dunbaugh, History
Robert Myron, Art History
Bertram Brettschneider, Philosophy
Lynn Turgeon, Economics
Michael D'Innocenzo, History
William Hull, English
Frank Wekerle, Philosophy
Howard Siegman, Drama
Edward Chalfant, English
Herbert Rosenbaum, Political Science
Geoffrey B. Charlesworth, Mathematics
This award honors a faculty member who has significantly impacted our students and community.
Learn more about the award and recent recipients.
Mentor of the Year Award
The Mentor of the Year Award honors a faculty member who has been nominated by students for:
- Providing guidance from idea to project development on research or a creative project.
- Demonstrating mentorship above and beyond general expectations.
- Establishing a track record for involving mentees and other students in professional
- Having a significant life-changing impact on mentees and other students in the Hofstra
- University community.
Hofstra University congratulates the 2023-2024 Mentor of the Year:
Craig Dalton, PhD
Associate Professor of Global Studies and Geography
Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs, Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Find previous recipients of the Mentor of the Year Award here.
Faculty who have an outstanding record of scholarship and research are recognized.
Learn more about the award and recent recipients.
Researcher of the Year Award
The Researcher of the Year Award honors faculty members who have demonstrated an outstanding record of scholarship and research achievement of uncommon distinction.
Hofstra University congratulates the 2023-2024 Researcher of the Year Award recipients:
Ehsan Nikbakht, DBA
The C.V. Starr Distinguished Professor of Finance and International Financial Services and Professor of Finance
Frank G. Zarb School of Business
Luciana Santoferrara, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biology
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The recipients of previous years are listed below:
Simon Doubleday
Nicholas Merna
Each semester a faculty member presents a lecture in their area of specialization.
Learn about the lecture and the application process.
In 1981, the University inaugurated the annual Hofstra University Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series. The lecture is typically scheduled midsemester during Common Hour.
All full-time Hofstra faculty members who have not received the award in the four years prior to their application are eligible to apply. Note that while a lecture is the standard format, fine arts faculty may opt to have a performance or exhibit followed by a discussion. The lecture is the fruit of original thought and research on a topic both representative of the faculty member's specialization and likely to attract and hold the interest of a wide, diverse audience. It is expected that this lecture will not have previously been delivered to the Hofstra community.
Calls for submission are sent out approximately six months prior to each lecture with specific application guidelines. We encourage your participation.
For more information about the upcoming lecture and previous year’s recipients, click here.
This grant supports a faculty’s research or curricular innovation regarding diversity.
Learn about the grant.
Faculty Diversity Research and Curriculum Development and LGBTQ+ Research Initiative Grant
The Faculty Diversity Research and Curriculum Development Grants are awarded in support of research or curricular innovation regarding diversity. These grants are designed to encourage research and curriculum development on issues of diversity by faculty in any discipline. The LGBTQ+ Research Initiative Grants are awarded to faculty engaged in research or creative work on the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex people and allies on Hofstra’s campus and/or in the suburbs.
For more information about project abstracts and lecture, click here.
Stacie Dee
Carolyn Dudek
Genevieve Weber
Nichole Lopez and Donna Willenbrock
Mun Yee Kwan
Michael Cassara
Theresa McGinnis
Scott Lefurgy and Emily Mundorff
Cong Liu
Sabrina G. Sobel
Gina Pontrelli and Amy Roberts
Russ Smith
Donna Willenbrock and Mary Lemp
Erin Reilly
Nicholas Salter
Andrea Nerlich and Alicia Bosley
SM Rodriguez
Genevieve Weber
Amy Catalano
Martine Hackett
Aashish Kumar
Craig Burnett
Sharryn Kasmir
SM Rodriguez
Jingsi Wu
Amy Catalano
Jessica Holzer
Theresa McGinnis
Karyn Valerius