Mission Statement
To support and engage students throughout their academic experience.
The Provost Office coordinates the review and approval of curriculum. It is the liaison between academic units, the Hofstra Bulletins, and Academic Records.
The Office of the Provost maintains Hofstra University Bulletins (Undergraduate, Graduate Studies, January Session, and Summer Sessions). They are available online. The programs of instruction, the academic calendar, and personnel announced in the Bulletin are subject to change at the administration's discretion. Notice of such changes will be on record in the Office of Academic Records.
Curriculog™ is an online curriculum management system that allows programs, minors, and courses, to be proposed, created, assessed, revised, approved, and implemented. Faculty and staff involved in departmental, school, and university-level reviews may view the progress of their proposals from start to finish.
- Email Coordinator for University Bulletin & Curriculum to request assistance and access to Curriculog™.
- Faculty and administrators can access Curriculog™ by logging into the Hofstra Portal and using your Hofstra credentials.
- Curriculog Tips Sheet [PDF]

We guide faculty on policies and procedures related to various academic concerns.
- Faculty Policy Series
- Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures
- Individual School/College Policies for Grade Appeals
- Undergraduate: Academic Leaves/Withdrawals, Dismissal, Exclusions, and Probation Standards
- Graduate:
- Hofstra Honor Code and Violations
- AI Policy for Faculty and Students

Hofstra policies that you are encouraged to include in your undergraduate and graduate syllabi.
Faculty who teach undergraduate students are asked to participate in the biannual Mid Semester Advisory (MSA) campaigns. The goal of the MSA campaign is to provide students feedback on their performance (by week seven of the semester) so they can make informed, timely academic decisions (e.g., change study habits, find a new course, meet with the instructor, find a tutor).
The Provost Office liaises with educational authorities in New York State and others to obtain approval to conduct educational activities on-site or through distance education. Individual schools are responsible for preparing required documents, which the Provost Office will review before submission to the appropriate agency.
Internal Review and Approval Process for New Program Proposals
Schools must complete a Curriculum & Standards (C&S) curriculum approval process in Curriculog (Under the Apps), which includes:
- Departmental review and approval of the new program or change to an existing program (e.g., whole curriculum, course sequence)
- School(s) review and approval of new program or change to existing program
- Review, editing, and approval of change(s) by Registrar and Bulletin Office
- Review and final approval by Provost Office
Once approved internally, Schools must prepare an initial draft of the program proposal materials for NYSED approval (specific forms, etc.). The Provost Office reviews/edits and finalizes submission.
- New program proposals may need an external review. External review generally takes 2-3 weeks (Note: All documents submitted for program proposal external reviews must be clearly written, free from errors, and complete).
- Based on the external reviewer’s report, the dean will prepare a response. The external review report and the response will be part of the NYSED new program proposal submission.
- The new program proposal submitted to NYSED from the Provost’s Office will include the program details, curriculum, syllabi, external review, and the dean’s response to those comments. CVs are no longer required, although NYSED may request them following submission.
- State approval for non-licensure programs typically will takes one to three months. Approval for licensure programs may need additional time for review and approval.

We plan a variety of events, awards and programs for students interested in pursuing academic research.
Each year the Provost's Office hosts a Faculty Research Day to showcase the work of our prestigious colleagues.

Contact Us
Comila Shahani-Denning, PhD
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Elfreda V. Blue, PhD
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Suzanne L. Pike, MPA, CAS
Associate Provost for Academic Support & Global Initiatives
Chair, Hofstra Honor Board
Dena Coduri, MA
Manager for Academic Curriculum
Lisa Bellairs
Senior Support Specialist