Getting started:

To assist you in making a smooth transition to Hofstra, we host a New Student Orientation Program (eight available sessions from June through August). New Student Orientation is a required three-day program in which new students attend various sessions and begin preparation for the fall semester. During the summer program, you will learn about resources at Hofstra, learn more about your academic programs, meet faculty and advisors, register for fall classes, and get to know fellow students in the Class of 2028.
A one-day Family Orientation program is available during the first day of each New Student Orientation session.
Class registration appointments on the last day of Orientation may end as late as 4 p.m., so please plan your travel or pick-up accordingly.
Note that during week 2 of NSO (June 17, 18, 20). Students will check out between 5 pm and 9 pm on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. The one-day family orientation for this week will occur Monday, June 17.
Prepare: What to pack
- There are some items we definitely encourage new students to bring in order to have the best experience possible at Orientation. Click here to review our suggested packing list.
- For a full listing of what to prepare and do before Orientation, check out our Orientation page.
Plan: Sample schedule
You will get a detailed schedule for the three-day/two-night orientation program at check in. To prepare, here are some highlights from each day.
Day 1:
- Check in
- Floor meetings
- Welcome
- Campus tour
- Academic & informational sessions
Day 2:
- Academic & informational sessions continued
- How to Hofstra
- Small group academic advisement sessions
- That’s So Hofstra
Day 3:
- Individual Advisement appointments
- Registration for classes
- Other required appointments
- Turn in keys, check out
What to Expect
Your Hofstra Pride family wishes you a great high school graduation. Enjoy your success and celebrate your achievements!
- Complete all required online modules for New Student Orientation online on Blackboard at hofstra.blackboard.com.
- Make payment arrangements; if you’re interested in one of our payment plans, they begin in May.
- Sign up for your orientation session in your my.hofstra.edu portal.
- Take your placement assessments online and complete the Pathway to Pride tutorial. You will receive details in your orientation confirmation letter.
- Log in to the Hofstra portal at my.hofstra.edu to view the first-year checklist and select your preferences for First-Year Connections clusters and seminars.
- Check-up and immunizations – complete your medical record on the Hofstra portal at my.hofstra.edu.
- Submit your roommate preference and Living-Learning Community preference by May 1.
- Room assignments will be sent out in mid-June for applications received by June 1. Any applications received after June 1 will be assigned on a weekly basis.
- Join our social media platforms and meet your classmates. Follow us @HofstraU
- Fall semester bills are available online in mid-June.
Did you do this yet?

- Log in to the Hofstra portal (my.hofstra.edu) using your Hofstra ID.
- Check your Pride email (xxx@pride.hofstra.edu). All Hofstra communications will be sent to this email address throughout your enrollment here.
- Sign up for housing, orientation, academic options, and add your dining dollars through the Hofstra portal.
- Payment for the fall 2024 semester is due August 1.
- With your roommate and/or suitemates, reserve your refrigerator/microwave and discuss what you’ll be bringing for any space you share.

Welcome Week:
Thursday, August 29 to Monday, September 24, 2024

Welcome Week is a five-day schedule of events designed to introduce you to the Hofstra campus, the rigor of academic life, our rich culture and traditions, on-campus resources, and the exciting diversity of Hofstra and the community around us. You will have the opportunity to participate in academic, social, athletic, and community events as well as partake in trips to New York City and the surrounding Long Island community. Get ready to become a member of the Hofstra family!
Students living on campus will move in on Thursday, August 29, 2024.
Please visit hofstra.edu/welcomeweek for the most up-to-date information regarding Welcome Week 2024 events.
- Move-in day for first-year students is Thursday, August 29, 2024 (Please refer to your room assignment notification for your assigned move-in time, which will be sent to your Hofstra Pride email address.) Commuter students check in on this day for the first day of Welcome Week.
- Fall semester classes begin Tuesday, September 3.
- Move-in and Welcome Week programming begins Thursday, August 29, and ends Monday, September 2.
- Find clubs to join through Welcome Week or the Club Carnival.
- Sign up for the Explore Next Door programs (free or nominal charge), and visit some of New York’s best attractions with your classmates.
- Explore on-campus employment opportunities through the Office of Student Employment’s Job Fair.