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National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University®

New Cassel, New York Revitalization Study

The National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University® has conducted two heralded studies in a continuing series on the revitalization of New Cassel, a traditionally African American community that had experienced decades of economic decline. The first study (Phase I), authored by Mary Ann Allison Ph.D, focuses on the various levels of government, not-for-profits, civic and religious groups, and private businesses that came together to create a model for renewal — one that may serve similar communities around the nation. The second study (Phase II), also conducted by Dr. Allison with a team of students, focuses on community perceptions in the wake of change. Phase III examined the creation and community benefits of a youth-run farmer’s market. For a PDF of the reports and executive summary, please click on the headlined links above. For a printed copy, call 516-463-9770 or email Ina Katz.

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