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Creative Services

Mail Barcodes

Effective January 28, 2013, the USPS will replace the POSTNET barcode with the Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb). As a result, the USPS will accept only Business Reply Mail envelopes that have the IMb. This change will affect mailers that include a Business Reply Envelope within their outgoing First-Class mail. Envelopes with a POSTNET barcode must be discarded, preferably recycled. To recycle these envelopes, please have them delivered to the Mail Center. The Mail Center will stock generic Business Reply Mail envelopes with the new barcode that can, upon request and for an additional fee, reflect your individual return address.

If you have any questions regarding this, please call Janine Macedo, Mail Center manager, at ext. 3-4737.

POSTNET Barcode - Discard as of December 31, 2012


IMB Barcode - To be used as of January 1, 2013