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Cultural Center
Soccer as the Beautiful Game

Campus Credential

This application is for media who interested in covering the international conference "Soccer as the Beautiful Game: Football's Artistry, Identity and Politics" April 10,11,12, 13, 2014 (Thursday through Sunday).

The Hofstra campus media credential allows you to cover PUBLIC events associated with the conference. The gala banquet on the evening of Friday, April 11 is a private, ticketed event. Some limited media access may be available.

Granting of a Hofstra campus media credential is solely at the discretion of Hofstra University.

To pick up your Hofstra credential, you will need to show an official press credential or a letter on the letterhead of a recognized news organization indicating that you are on assignment for that organization. Independent bloggers and freelancers who are not affiliated with a recognized news organization need to apply via email – see information below for details.

Please fill out the form below. Incomplete forms will not be processed. You will be notified by email if your application has been approved and where to pick up your credential.

If you are an independent blogger or freelance journalist who is not affiliated with, or on assignment for, a recognized news organization, you must apply via email to colin.p.sullivan{at}hofstra.edu with the following information:

  • Name
  • Phone
  • Email address
  • Prove you have a unique, registered domain name
    (not a subdomain on tumblr.com, blogspot.com, wordpress.com, etc.)
  • Links to at least 3 stories/posts written in the past three months
  • Your website must show at least 3 updates per week for the past 12 months, continuously

*** A review of your site analytics may be required.

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