Two Concerts of Sikh Sacred Music and Song Fall 2008
To commemorate the tercentenary of the installation of the Sikh Scripture, Adi Granth (Primordial Book), as the Guru Granth Sahib (Master-Teacher as Book) in 1708, the Bindra Chair in Sikh Studies and co-sponsor the Hakam Singh Endowment for a Chair in Sikh Music in conjunction with the Religion Department in HCLAS, will present two concerts of Sikh sacred music and song at Hofstra University. The first concert will be performed by Bhai Baldeep Singh (Delhi, India), a 13th generation Sikh Kirtan exponent (vocalist, percussionist, string player), Instrument Maker, Lecturer, Archivist, and founder of ANAD Conservatory: An Institute of Sikh Aesthetics and Culture. The second concert will be offered by Dr. Gurnam Singh, a Performer of Gurmat Sangeet, and Chair of Sikh Music at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, and author of a series of influential books and articles). Each performer (and their respective groups) will play and sing the sacred hymns of the Guru Granth Sahib, according to traditional string and percussion instruments.
Dates: September 25th and December 9th, 2008
Time: 6.30 - 8.30 pm
Place: Monroe Lecture Center, South Campus, Hofstra University

Bhai Baldeep Singh