Sikh Studies

Violent Nations: 1984's Othering of Sikhs
October 31st – November 2nd, 2014

Hofstra University
Organized under the auspices of the
Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra Chair in Sikh Studies, Dr. Balbinder Singh Bhogal,
and The Department of Religion & the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (HCLAS)
Co-coordinator: Prabhsharandeep Singh (Oxford University)

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    One could argue history has three narrative voices – those of the oppressors, those of the oppressed, and those voices not yet colonized either by victory or loss. The latter are the existential voices of silence attuned to what remains unsaid in the sayings from above and from below that reveal the (strategic and unconscious) elisions of dominant narratives (gender, caste, class, language, violence etc.,). Given these three voices, two clear narratives and the undertone of contrapuntal and hetero-lingual silence, it is myopic to read the present by merely engaging with contemporary dominant narratives of oppressor and oppressed (as heard in the current media discourse today that broadcasts "religious violence/terrorism” to be the root cause of today’s troubled times). Rather, we need to embark on an “ancestry of the present” (Thapar), to uncover non-ideological readings that are neither dominated by the ruling elite, nor scripted by reactionary forces, but are open to the unsaid in both. Through such an approach, attuned to the varied constructions of hegemonic discourse, alternative readings come into view – which can be organized into various themes.


    1984: Spectacular and Slow Violence and their Traumatic Effects
    1984: Majority-Minority Identity Politics
    1984: Indian Nation and Violence: Hindu Nationalism and Ethnic Democracy
    1984: India's relation to Global/Colonial Modernity
    1984: Engaging the Continuities of the Colonial/Historical Difference


    Keynote: Dr. Ashis Nandy

    Panel 1: Political/Historical Frames
    Panel 2: Critical Theoretical Frames
    Panel 3: Disinheriting Trauma and Violence
    Panel 4: Decolonial and Neoliberal Frames