
In today's world, hardly a week goes by without a report of another computer systems hack, malware intrusion, or data breach. They jeopardize our privacy and bank accounts, cost our economy billions, and leave our nation vulnerable to potential catastrophes. At Hofstra, you'll learn how best to design, manage, and secure computer networks, so you can help businesses and organizations protect digital information.
Hofstra's BS in Computer Science and Cybersecurity is the newest program in our Computer Science Department, and our graduates are well-prepared to fill the growing number of jobs worldwide as information security officers, penetration testers, forensics analysts, malware analysts, network administrators, and more.
Cybersecurity students at Hofstra thrive in a collaborative, hands-on environment that prepares them to be a vital part of any information technology department or project. Members of our talented faculty are highly accessible, working closely with each student to help them hone their abilities and find their place in the information technology world. Almost half of our full-time professors are women, providing vital role models who can offer guidance to our growing cadre of female students — a cohort traditionally underrepresented in the computer sciences.
Our undergraduate students also emerge ready to excel in graduate programs in computing or related fields at some of the most prestigious universities. Most, however, jump right into well-paying positions in business and industry, their value boosted by participation in internships and opportunities offered through the DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science co-op program.
After graduating from our program, which follows the curriculum requirements mandated by the National Security Agency (NSA) and National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), you will be ready to become part of the growing number of computer professionals charged with protecting digital information.
The demand for cybersecurity professionals is rising fast, with more than 300,000 job openings nationally between April 2017 and March 2018, according to a recent report by a leading technology industry association, the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, and Burning Glass Technologies.
All three of the major programs in the Department of Computer Science (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Cybersecurity) begin by laying a strong foundation in the essential building blocks of a career in computing. These include courses in problem solving and program design, data structures and algorithms, computer architecture, and software engineering. From those fundamentals, students move on to classes that delve more deeply into their specific majors and degrees.
Coursework for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Cybersecurity prepares you for careers in both security and software development in a variety of computing fields across multiple industries. In addition to the core computer science requirements, students will more fully explore aspects of system programming, network security, Linux system administration, ethical hacking, and more. Seniors conduct a two-semester design project in a chosen area of cybersecurity.
Combining technical expertise with hands-on experience in real-world projects and defense technologies ensures that our graduates are prepared to succeed in this fast-growing field.
Up-to-date information about required classes and more is available in the Hofstra Bulletin.
Computer Science: BS in Computer Science & Cybersecurity (8221)
Recent Alumni Outcomes
Cybersecurity alumni are well prepared to immediately join the workforce in a variety of roles, including information security officers, hardware and software developers, and network administrators.
Among the places where our graduates are employed:
- 3M Health Information Systems, Inc.
- Accenture Plc
- Credit Suisse Group AG
- DraftKings
- Google, Inc.
Our alumni also are pursuing advanced degrees at prestigious institutions such as:
- Hofstra University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- SUNY Stony Brook University
- University of Connecticut
are employed, grad school or both
accept a position within six months
median salary*
Get More Info on Program Outcomes
*Represents median salary for the first year following graduation
What You'll Learn

In the Cybersecurity program, you will learn how to combat cybercrime and cyberterrorism, as well as conduct forensic analysis to identify intruders on corporate and government computer systems. Working in our computer labs, you may explore threat assessment issues and planning for active network defense.
Some of the essential skills you will develop include:
- Design and management of secure networks
- Troubleshooting methodologies to identify problem areas
- Development of policies and procedures to monitor and safeguard IT systems
- Forensic analysis of system intrusions
- Initiating system recovery plans
- Communicating technology and security matters to all levels of personnel
Armed with tactical knowledge, effective strategies and practical experience, Hofstra's cybersecurity graduates are more than ready to take on those who would jeopardize the safety of our vast, interconnected world.
Hands-On Learning

Adapting what you've learned to solve real problems in the field takes experience and flexibility. As a Hofstra cybersecurity student, you'll have access to Hofstra's state-of-the-art Cybersecurity Innovation and Research Center, which is equipped with cutting-edge technology and simulation software to create hyper-realistic cyberattack scenarios. It is one of the only academic facilities in the New York metropolitan area with a cyber range, an immersive, virtual experience that replicates the high-pressure environment of an attack and allows students to work through it in real-time, from detection and response to repair and recovery. You will also have plenty of opportunities to test your job readiness through our many co-op and internship opportunities. The robust and growing co-op program in the DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science now offers challenging full-time positions at more than 200 corporate partners throughout the United States, providing you with paid work experience before you graduate.
Independent research and design projects are also important components of Hofstra's Cybersecurity program. With the guidance of our expert faculty, students can delve into whatever project areas excite and challenge them, from complex computer and network architecture to solve specific problems to operating systems design, systems analysis, mobile applications, and more.
Cybersecurity students also have the opportunity to pursue full-time research projects over the summer through ASPiRe (Advanced Summer Program in Research).
All undergraduate computer science students enjoy the use of Hofstra's highly-sophisticated computer science laboratories, including:
- Big Data Lab
- Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing Lab
- Gaming and Graphics Lab
- Linux and Computer Graphics Lab
- Research and Innovation Lab
- Systems, Networking and Security Lab
In addition to their coursework, work experiences, and Hofstra's broad array of extracurricular organizations and activities, many computer science students share ideas and meet new people in the Computer Science Society. Hofstra's local chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE), an international honor society affiliated with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society, exists to recognize the academic excellence of outstanding computer.
Meet Dr. Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt, PhD, known to his students as Dr. Krish. He helped launch a new course, open to students of all disciplines, called Cybersecurity for Everyone. Here, he talks about how to protect your privacy online.