Academic Records



When will I receive my diploma?


Each student will receive notification to their Hofstra email address when their diploma has been ordered. This email will contain instructions on how to claim a digital credential for immediate use and ask that graduates confirm their delivery address for the physical diploma. Diplomas that are delivered to the Office of Academic Records and Registrar by special student request can be picked up during business hours in Room 207 Memorial Hall once received. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Summer hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


How will I know if I have met all requirements for graduation?


In addition to speaking with an advisor, undergraduates may check their degree audit via the Hofstra Portal to determine progress toward completion of degree requirements.

The Office of Academic Records will notify students who have applied for graduation and have not met their requirements. Students will be mailed a warning notice indicating any requirements that are lacking.


I transferred credits to Hofstra from another university or from more than one school. Will I be eligible for honors?


If you earn at least 60 credits in residency at Hofstra University, you will be eligible to receive your Baccalaureate Degree with distinction. Only your Hofstra GPA will be used when considering for honors eligibility.

For the GPA requirements of the levels of distinction, click here.


I am completing my graduation requirements but not attending classes. Do I need to complete any paperwork?


Students who have been granted permission to complete final semester graduation requirements while not attending classes must pay a Maintain Matriculation fee. The fee is added to your account through registration. You may email to request that this registration be placed on your record. You may be notified that this is automatically applied to your record if you have not requested to maintain matriculation and are pending graduation.

All students are required to file an Application for Graduation through the student portal in accordance with the dates below:

Undergraduate Candidates

  • Candidates for May graduation must file by October 1. Applications received after October 1 are subject to a $25 fee. Applications received after March 1 are subject to a $50 fee.
  • Candidates for August graduation must file by March 1. Applications received after March 1 are subject to a $25 fee. Applications received after August 15 are subject to a $50 fee.
  • Candidates for December graduation must file by May 1. Applications received after May 1 are subject to a $25 fee. Applications received after October 1 are subject to a $50 fee.

Graduate Candidates

  • Candidates for May graduation must file by March 1. Applications received after March 1 are subject to a $25 fee.
  • Candidates for August graduation (no ceremony) must file by June 15 (if they are attending Summer Session I), July 15 (if they are attending Summer Session II), or August 15 (if they are attending Summer Session III). Applications received after these dates are subject to a $25 fee.
  • Candidates for December graduation must file by October 1. Applications received after October 1 are subject to a $25 fee.
  • Click here for instructions on how to apply for graduation online.

Students who have missed the window of opportunity to apply online can submit a form to the Office of Academic Records for processing. Graduate students and undergraduate students have unique applications found under Student Forms on our website.

The forms can be submitted in-person to the Welcome Desk on the second floor of Memorial Hall, or the form can be emailed to from your Pride email account.

Students can view the Commencement website for details about ceremony times, tickets, cap and gowns order procedure, and contact information if you should have any additional questions.

Replacement Diplomas

Once a student has graduated from Hofstra, a replacement diploma or certificate with a name other than the name shown on the original diploma or certificate will be ordered upon request, if the student can provide proper documentation that they were entitled to use the proposed name change on or before the date of graduation.

All students and alumni are asked to replacement diploma requests via the Hofstra portal using their network ID to log in. Click on the Primary Navigation icon in the top left corner to access the complete drop-down menu. Choose the Student Services tab and click on “Request Printed/Official Transcript” under Student Records. For assistance using the portal, including recovering sign-in identifications, contact the IT Service Desk at 516-463-7777.

Those who cannot access the Hofstra portal may request a replacement diploma directly through our transcript and diploma vendor, Parchment.

The replacement diploma fee is $35 and includes a digital diploma and one (1) physical copy issued per order. Alumni with credentials will need to place an order per credential. There is a rush shipping option for an additional $35.

Please note that electronic diplomas are currently only available for the main college and Law School students. Law School students must contact the Law School Registrar for information on ordering replacement diplomas and can do so by emailing or calling (516) 463-5917.

This service is not available for students in the Medical School or Continuing Education.

Degree With Distinction

The University will confer the graduate degree with distinction on students who have attained a minimum grade point average of 3.75 with at least 80 percent of the credits for the degree earned at Hofstra.