Student Health Center

COVID-19 Student Protocols

Health Tips from SHC

What to do if you are sick:  If you are having symptoms such as a fever, cough, or are feeling sick, you contact Student Health Center or your healthcare provider for guidance. Student Health Center is available all year round and is open 7 days a week during the semester.

Whether you are a resident or commuter, you should limit your contact with others, and remain at home or in your on-campus housing until you hear from SHS or your Primary Care Physician.  If you must go out, you should keep your distance from others and consider wearing a mask to reduce the change of getting others sick.

Reporting illness:  To help protect the entire campus, we ask that you let us know if you test positive for COVID-19 or the flu at a location other than SHS. We do not, however, notify your faculty other groups on campus regarding your absence.

Preventing Illness:   The best way to avoid getting sick is by taking simple actions to protect yourself and those around you:

  • Stay up to date with your influenza and COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Avoid others (including class or work) when you are ill.  Contact SHS for guidance on how to take care of yourself, and when you can resume your usual activities.
  • Clean your hands often, with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, or by washing with soap and water.
  • Cover your cough! Discard any tissues immediately and cleanse your hands after.
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth and face.
  • Don’t share food, drinks, or utensils.
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces as appropriate.
  • Get plenty of rest! Try a sleep schedule and follow these tips for better sleep.