The Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) is a New York State Education Department grant designed to encourage underrepresented students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and other licensed professions. Once enrolled - as early as grade 7 - students are welcome to participate until high school graduation. Students enrolled in partner schools are encouraged to apply.
Through the Saturday Scholars’ Academy, Summer Scholars’ Academy and the Transition to High School Mentoring Program, students participate in hands-on experiences to generate motivation and develop academic skills, leading to professions or professional licensure in science, technology, mathematics, engineering and health-related fields. Active participants also have an opportunity to attend the annual New York State STEP Statewide Student Conference, held in Albany, New York. The STEP Program also facilitate Day of Service activities to expose non-STEP students to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and/or pre-licensure professions. Over 400 students participate in STEP at Hofstra and when surveyed, more than half expressed interest in a STEM field or a licensed profession. Over the last few years, 100 percent of the participating seniors have graduated and a majority have enrolled in colleges and universities throughout New York and other states.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend workshops, programming events and to join the Parent Involvement in Education (PIE) committee to help facilitate student success.
To increase the number of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students participation in mathematics, science, technology, health related fields and the licensed professions.
To motivate and encourage students from surrounding communities to pursue STEM and licensed professions using enrichment services and hands-on learning experiences.
To promote academic excellence in the fields of science, technology and pre-licensure professions through quality support and mentorship.
Eligibility and Application
Eligibility: (grades 7 through 12)
New York state residents from one of the following groups: African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American Indian or Alaskan Native or a New York state residents from other groups who meet the economically disadvantaged criteria as outlined by New York State Education Department
The selection of students will also take into account factors such as motivation, academic grades, interest in mathematics and science, career interest in one of the New York state licensed professions, and potential for success in the program.

Day of Service Activities
In collaboration with partner schools, various activities are scheduled annually to expose students to careers in the licensed professions, scientific and technical fields such as:
- an annual STEM Diversity Summit including Long Island Region STEP Programs, where STEM professionals and businesses present the latest technologies and students from local schools present research;
- field trips to Cold Spring Harbor DNA Lab and Brookhaven National Lab Learning Centers so students can perform experiments in a lab setting that reinforces school curriculum;
- and Hofstra University Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) participants performing STEM lab experiments and/or meeting with local middle and high school students to answer questions about STEM and college.
Summer Programs
Summer Scholars’ Academy
Internship-style experiences expose students to various careers through interactive, hands-on activities. Programming is scheduled Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., for four weeks and usually starts the week after July 4. Student must be entering at least grade 7 or higher the fall semester of the current year when registering.
Previous career experiences have included law, forensic science, marine biology, health science, robotics, environmental science, engineering, business entrepreneurship, film production, and more. Students attend weekly field trips to reinforce their experiences and on the last day, a showcase demonstrates what the students have learned in each class.
Students may also have opportunities to attend additional activities such as the Hofstra Law School Jury Trial Day, participate in Summer Science Research Program at Hofstra University or a field trips to colleges and workplaces.
Register for Summer Scholars’ Academy
Registration usually starts in April and is held on preset open house dates until the program reaches full capacity. You must first enroll in Hofstra LPP or Hofstra STEP to register for the Summer Scholars’ Academy. For more information about registration call 516-463-5794, and provide your name, phone number, email, mailing address and the school name your child attends. Registration is held in the Center for Educational Access and Success at 101 Oak Street, Uniondale (Directions).
Parent Involvement in Education (PIE)
The Parent Involvement in Education (PIE) program helps facilitate student success through active parent/guardian involvement. Parents and guardians are encouraged to support overall program development and student engagement through:
- Organizing around a committee of peer parents including distinct roles and responsibilities
- Attending meetings to coordinate yearlong programming and activities
- Planning and supporting signature events including Multi-Cultural Party
- Organizing and supporting fundraising endeavors
- Chaperoning local and long-distance student trips
- Planning, supervising and attending selective academic programs
Various workshops and colloquiums are also scheduled, for parents and students, to help facilitate an understanding of the college application process as well as other vital information for future success. For more information contact Tristan.E.Meikle@hofstra.edu.
Saturday Scholars' Academy
The Saturday Scholars’ Academy offers educational experiences to enhance educational performance and success in the classroom. With a primary emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics as well as fields that require licensure, students are also exposed to hands-on learning opportunities. Services are organized under the following three categories and made available to students who are registered:
- Academic Support
- College Preparation
- Career & Community Engagement

101 Oak Street, Uniondale (Directions)
Mailing address:
107 Oak Street Center
255 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549-2550

Taneisha Clarke, MHA
Associate Director
Office: (516) 463-5797

Blanca Rajkowski, MSEd
Assistant Director
Office: (516) 463-5661

Shadeika Riley, MSEd
Program Counselor
Office: (516) 463-5309

Melissa Restrepo
Program Counselor
Office: (516) 463-5795

Tristan Meikle
Program Counselor
Office: (516) 463-6567