Professional & Student Organizations
National Organizations
- American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
- Autism Society
- Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders(CCBD)
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
- Council for Exceptional Children - Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
- National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
- National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
- National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
- The Association for People with Severe Handicaps (TASH)
- The Arc
Local Organizations
- AHRC - Nassau
- AHRC - Suffolk
- Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS)
- Everyone Reading (Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities)
- N.Y.S. Association for Behavior Analysis (NYSABA)
- N.Y.S. Association for Individuals with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities
- United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, Inc. (UCPN)
- United Cerebral Palsy Association of Suffolk County, Inc. (UCP-Suffolk)
Student Organizations
- Council for Exceptional Children – N.Y.S. Student Association
- Hofstra Disabilities Awareness Society
- Hofstra Future Teachers Club
- Hofstra Special Education Graduate Association (SEGA)
- United Students for Educational Progress
Important Links
N.Y.S. Curriculum & Learning Standards
- Alternative Learning Standards & Performance Indicators
- Learning Standards and Core Curriculum (All)
- Common Core Standards
- Art
- Business
- Career Development and Occupational Studies
- Early Childhood (PreK)
- English
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Foreign Language Studies
- Health
- Math
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Virtual Learning System
- Office of State Assessment
- N.Y.S. Alternative Assessments
- N.Y.S. English as a Second Language - NYSESLAT
- N.Y.S. English as a Second Language - LAB-R
- N.Y.S. English Language Arts
- N.Y.S. High School Regents
- N.Y.S. Mathematics
- N.Y.S. Science
- N.Y.S. Test Samplers
- Oswego City School District Test Prep Center
- Regents Review 2.0
Lesson Planning
- Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Resource Center
- Channel 13 for Educators
- Federal Teaching Resources
- National Center for History in the Schools Resources
- National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD)
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- National Writing Project (NWP)
- NCTE Lesson Plans
- NCTM Resources
- New York Science Teacher
- Quality Mall
- SMART Board Resources
- Teaching Tolerance
- Virtual Learning System
- WLIW's Teachers' Domain
Field Work
Field experiences are integrated extensively into course curricula. A minimum of 100 clock hours of observation is required prior to those programs that require student teaching. At least one placement (SPED 201) will be spent in a site recognized by the New York State Education Department as high-needs. Placements are arranged by the Office of Field Placement.
Below, you will find a list of the special education classes that require field experiences:
Course | Required Field Work |
SPED 201 - The Exceptional Child | 20 clock hours in high-needs district |
SPED 207 - Introduction to Young Children With Disabilities | 15 clock hours of site visitation including a high-needs district |
SPED 208 - Educational Intervention for Young Children With Disabilities | 15 clock hours to implement a cognitive curriculum for young children with disabilities |
SPED 209 - Early Intervention: Infant Stimulation | 10 clock hours to implement HELP curriculum for infants and toddlers with disabilities |
SPED 210 - The Creative Arts in Special Education | 15 clock hours to implement Start With Art curriculum for young children |
SPED 211 - Knowledge and Strategies for Teaching Students With Cognitive Disabilities | 10 clock hours in Grades 1-6 |
SPED 226 - Early Intervention and Related Services in Early Childhood Special Education | 10 clock hours to observe PT/OT/speech pathology intervention for young children |
SPED 238 - Field Experience | 50 hours field placement in settings for special needs students, grades 7-12, in a variety of settings. |
SPED 241 - Identification and Interventions for Children and Adolescents With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
10 clock hours in Special K-6 Programs in a treatment facility, community support organization, or self-contained school setting for students with emotional/behavioral disorders. |
SPED 242 - Psychoeducational Assessment in Special Education - | 15 clock hours of individualized assessment with a student with special learning needs |
SPED 245 - Curriculum and Methods for Students With Diverse Learning Needs - | 20 clock hours in Individualized Instruction |
SPED 248 - Education of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders | 15 clock hours in Special K-6 Programs for children with autism |
SPED 249 - Understanding Physical, Sensory and Health Disabilities | 15 clock hours (Grades 1-6) of site visitation at a center for students with multiple or severe disabilities |
SPED 256 - Schoolwide Enrichment and Instructional Methods & Materials for Gifted/Talented Children | 10 clock hours of participant observation and advisement. |
SPED 259 - Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis for Special Educators | 20 clock hours of fieldwork will be completed in a setting utilizing applied behavior analysis. |
SPED 277 - Technology and Assistive Technology in Special Education | 15 clock hours in a local facility where assistive technology is prominently used by students with disabilities |
SPED 293 - Understanding Students With Learning, Cognitive, and/or Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities | 20-hour field placement in varied settings, grades 7-12. |
SPED 294 - Strategies for Teaching Children with Autism and Moderate Intellectual Disabilities | 15-hour field placement in varied settings, grade 7-12. |
Student Teaching
- SPED 219A - Student Teaching in Inclusive/Special Education Settings
- SPED 219B - Student Teaching in Inclusive/Special Education Settings
- SPED 219G - Student Teaching in Inclusive/Special Education Settings Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 219S - Student Teaching in Inclusive/ Special Education Settings Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 219C - Supervised Teaching Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 223G - Student Teaching in Secondary School in Inclusive/Special Education Settings Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 223S - Student Teaching in Secondary School in Inclusive/Special Education Settings Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 223C - Supervised Teaching in Secondary School Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 237 - Teaching Students With Disabilities Semester Hours: 6
- SPED 237A - Teaching Students With Disabilities Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 295 - Practicum in Special Education Semester Hours: 3
- SPED 258 - Internship: Gifted/Talented Children – A minimum of 50 clock hours of field-based work in collaboration
Frequently Asked Questions
- What if I do not have an undergraduate degree in special education?
- How long does the application process take before I can begin classes?
- May I take classes as a non-matriculated student?
- When are your classes offered?
- What programs do you offer?
- How will I know which program is right for me?
- How long will it take me to finish the program?
- What can you tell me about your faculty?
- Where are your students from?
- What can you tell me about your alumni?
- Do you offer assistantships and scholarships?
- What does the employment market look like for special education?
- Can I afford to change careers at this time?