An excellent college education is a big investment in your future. Paying for it can seem daunting, but rest assured there are many options available to help you meet the costs of a Hofstra education. In fact, 98% of our full-time first-year students in the fall of 2024 were awarded financial aid, including grants (free money). That means it's likely that you will receive financial aid, too.

Student Financial Services is here to help you make the most of the options available. This area of our website will take you through the step-by-step process of financial aid. And remember, if you get stuck anywhere along the way, we'd like you to reach out to us. We're here to help you!

File your FAFSA

Financial Aid


Discover the available options to fund your education, including loans, grants, and more.

Know Your Numbers

Net Price Calculator

Hofstra's Net Price Calculator is designed to give you a preliminary estimate of the financial aid for which you might be eligible, if you were a full-time, first-year college student entering in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Financial Aid

Parent Info

At Student Financial Services, we work very hard to help families maximize their financial aid options and provide clear guidance to help students achieve their educational goals.

Financial Aid


Get answers to frequently asked questions about financial aid at Hofstra.

Financial Aid

News & Updates

The latest news and updates you need to know about your financial aid options.

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Get Help

Find Your Counselor

Before you embark on the step-by-step process of applying for financial aid, it's helpful to know who you can turn to for help, should you need it.